Chapter 11

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The two walked back to the village hand in hand. Cara watched them from a seat in the shade and smiled to herself. 

Winta, carrying the child, brought him back to Elara for a nap. Together they entered the dwelling and she placed the child in the crib that Omera had provided. She turned to the Mandalorian who stepped close to her. He rested his helmet gently on her forehead, the approximation of a kiss. 

A knock resounded on the open doorway, causing them to pull apart. Cara stood leaning on the doorway. 

“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time to do some work.” She said.

The Mandalorian nodded. 

“Stay here with the child.” He told Elara. 

“Be careful, please.” She murmured to him. 

He readied his weapons and followed Cara in the opposite direction that Elara and him had walked earlier. 

When the Mandalorian and Cara returned in the late afternoon, they had bad news. Elara carried the child and gathered amongst the villagers to hear what they had to say. 

“You can’t live here anymore.” The Mandalorian told everyone.

The villagers cried out in disgust.

“What do you mean?” One man shouted. 

“I’m sorry that this isn’t the news you wanted to hear.” Cara began.

“But there are no other options.” 

“Don’t you remember your half of the deal?” A woman asked loudly.

“Yes, but that’s before we knew about the Imperial walker. Sorgan is a big planet. Why don’t you move elsewhere?” Cara continued. 

“It took us generations to build this village.” One farmer voiced.

“My grandfather seeded these ponds.” Another hollered.

Omera stepped forward.

“We can’t leave our village. There has to be another option.” She said calmly. 

The Mandalorian paused.

“Do any of you know how to fight?” He asked.

The crowd of villagers shook their heads.

“Maybe you can teach us.” Omera offered. 

“I’ve seen that thing take out an entire company of soldiers in minutes.” Cara remarked incredulously.  

“Cara, with our skills we should be able to train them to hold off the raiders while we take out the walker.” The Mandalorian said.

The villagers shouted their approval. It was decided. They would begin training the next morning. Elara walked back to their lodging while the Mandalorian created a plan with Cara. She placed the child in his crib and changed out of her dress into clothes to sleep in. 

It was growing dark and she could barely see so she climbed into the bed. It was completely dark by the time she heard the door swing open and the familiar clink of the Mandalorian’s armor. She listened as he unstrapped various pieces of his beskar. 

“Mando?” She asked.


“Lay with me tonight.” She requested.

A blush crept to her cheeks at the boldness of her request. She felt the blanket lift up as the Mandalorian slid under the covers with her. She turned towards him and put her hand on his chest. She could feel his toned muscles under his shirt. Her hand crept back up to his neck and caressed his jaw. He let out a deep groan and moved closer to her. Her hands found his lips and then moved back down to his well-muscled shoulders.

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