Chapter 8

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Elara was nervous about riding atop the tall blurgg. The creature stood patiently as the Mandalorian boosted her up onto its back. She held on tightly as the Mandalorian pulled himself up behind her. Feeling off balance, she scooted against him with her back pressed against his chest. He reached around her to grasp the reigns, his hands resting just above her lap. 

The Mandalorian tried his best not to be distracted by Elara’s closeness, but his thighs surrounded her lower half leaving no space between them. As he urged the blurgg forward, she held onto his forearms. The blurgg began to jog, following Kulil’s mount, and Elara’s body gently rocked against his. 

“Are you okay?” The Mandalorian asked her.

She nodded curtly.  

“Just don’t let me fall, please.” She replied.

He was feeling more comfortable atop the blurgg and he let go of the reigns with one hand and wrapped his free arm around her waist, holding her securely to him. Finally after about a two hour ride, Kulil, who was leading them, pulled his blurgg to a stop. The Mandalorian followed suit and he felt Elara’s body relax against his. 

“The encampment lies ahead.” The Ugnaught said as he pointed forward. 

The Mandalorian released the reigns and slid down from the blurgg. He held his arms out for Elara. She hesitantly jumped down. He caught her by the waist and placed her onto the sandy surface.  

“Can we offer you payment?” The Mandalorian asked.

“Getting rid of these offworlders is payment enough. Besides I have never met a Mandalorian or a Hapan. The Hapan has proved just as beautiful as I’ve heard and if what they say about Mandalorians is true, then there will soon be peace here again.” 

With that the little Ugnaught tapped the sides of his blurgg and trudged off. They watched him go.

“I need to show you something.” The Mandalorian said as he turned to Elara. 

He pulled a blaster from his hip and handed it to her. He stood behind her and adjusted it in her hand. 

“Use both hands.” He said over her shoulder.

He wrapped his hands around hers and extended her arms. The adjustment of her body made her unsteady and she took a step back into him. He took a foot and placed it on the inside of her right leg. He gently scooted her legs further apart. 

“Wide stance.” 

With her back flush against his chest, he showed her the safety, stun, and fire dial. 

“Got it?” He asked. 

She nodded and he stepped back. Together they walked towards the compound. As they approached a ridge above the compound, the Mandalorian instructed her to get down. He pulled out a small telescope and looked down at the scene in front of them. 

“Damn,” he muttered. 

“An IG unit.” 

Elara watched as a droid advanced toward the men guarding the encampment. He voiced a command and when the men didn’t comply, he began to shoot. The remaining men barricaded themselves behind a thick blast door. The Mandalorian turned to Elara.

“Stay here. Don’t move from this spot.” He said and then darted into the fray. 

She watched as the Mandalorian approached the IG unit and gasped as it began to shoot at him. She couldn’t hear what the Mandalorian shouted at the droid, but the droid ceased fire. Gun men appeared on the roof. The Mandalorian and the IG unit worked together to dispatch the mercenaries. 

Falling for a MandalorianNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ