Chapter 16

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“Hold on tight.” 

Elara gripped the child from the copilot’s seat as the Mandalorian threw the Razor Crest into evasive maneuvers. The ship dove and spun, trying to outrun the starfighter that was pursuing them. Elara’s heart beat frantically in her chest, but the Mandalorian appeared just as calm as he always did.

“Give it up, Mando. Give me the child.” A deep voice ordered through the ship’s intercom. 

The Razor Crest shuttered and bucked forward. Lights flashed on the control panel screen showing that the left engine had taken damage. 

“Damn.” The Mandalorian muttered quietly. 

“I can bring you in warm or cold.” The voice cautioned.   

The starfighter attempted to ram the Razor Crest to further disable it, but missed and rocketed forward into the Mandalorian’s sights. The Mandalorian shifted a hand from steering to the control for the laser cannon. He locked in on the starfighter and fired a single shot. The ship burst into a fireball and the flaming wreckage drifted downward into the endless darkness of space. 

"Who was that?" Elara asked. 

"Another bounty hunter tracking the child." The Mandalorian responded as he stood to examine the extent of the ship's damage. 

Elara watched as he toggled various controls. The ship went dark and then dim lights returned as the emergency power took over. Elara slid her glasses down, grateful that they allowed her to see in the darkness. 

"The left engine took damage. We're going to have to land somewhere to get it fixed." The Mandalorian told her. 

He pressed a button and pulled up a holomap of nearby planets. He was distressed to see that the nearest location was Tatooine. The planet would be a dangerous location for Elara. Although Jabba the Hutt had been killed a few years prior, Rotta, his son, had taken control of the crime lord’s enterprise. 

The Mandalorian was certain that Rotta had continued the practice of collecting and surrounding himself with beautiful slaves. If the Hutts heard even a rumor of a Hapan on Tatooine, they would certainly send their henchmen to capture her. As much as he hated the idea of landing on Tatooine, the Mandalorian didn’t think the ship would make it a further planet. There was no other choice.  

"Mos Eisley control tower here. You are cleared to land at Bay three-five." 

Elara stared out at the expansive deserts of Tatooine as the Razor Crest made its descent. Strange rounded domes dotted the sandy surface. She looked down at the child in her arms. More than anything, she wanted to keep him safe from the people trying to find him. She hoped there would be no more bounty hunters searching for them in Mos Eisley. 

Once they landed, the Mandalorian stood from his pilot’s chair and crossed the cockpit to where Elara was standing. He placed a gloved hand on her arm and rested his helmet gently against her forehead.

“I’m going to have to take a bounty to pay for the repairs. You and the child need to stay on the ship.” 

Elara took a step back and frowned at the Mandalorian. 

“Din, I can handle myself. I think I proved that on Sorgan.” 

The Mandalorian sighed audibly. 

“Elara, I know you can, but the Hutts are here on Tatooine. Remember when I told you there were people that would keep you as a pet? I was referring to them. They’re known for collecting Hapans and they’d do just about anything to get their hands on you.” He began.

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