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'Got a meeting today, won't be home till late. You alright to stay with Jase for the night again?' I was woken up by a txt from dad. apparently dad had a some important meeting that couldn't wait for Monday. I was frustrated because I hadn't spent proper bonding time with him in weeks, Sunday was also our day where we would usually just go and do something random and fun.

'Its Sunday, I miss you :( ' I replied back to dad I didn't do it to make him feel guilty or anything, I just genuinely miss him.

Not even a minute later I got a reply, 'I know, I'm so sorry pumpkin :( I promise I'll make it up to you, I love you more then anything princess xx'

'k, love you to' I simply replied. I looked at time on my home screen, 7:28 am it read. It was still so early, just after I closed my eyes my bed dipped. I'm guess Jase got the text as well.

"You alright babe?" Yeap he got the text, Jason knew how much Sundays meant to me. Probably because all of the stories he had heard on every Monday since my 'mum' left.

"Its Sunday Jase" I wasn't really upset, okay maybe a little, I was more disappointed I guess.

"Well you get to spend this one with me!-" he cuddled into my side, I loved how he could make happy by just one comment or action "- get up were leaving in 45 minutes" and with that Jase jumped up and skipped out of the room without giving me a chance to ask where exactly it was we were going. I pretty much had a whole closet here so I jumped into my shower staying in for half an hour.

" We're leaving in twenty minutes wether you're happy with your look or not"- Jase was banging the door down, and i swear if he doesnt stop his head is going to be in between it soon- "so hurry up and stop using all my water" Jase was yelling, i knew he was joking and i couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Relax, I'm out" I yelled back "now can you stop banging on the door"

I didn't really wear much make up so it didn't take to long for be to get dressed and make my way to the kitchen.Jase was drinking when i walked in the kitchen but stopped as soon as his eyes landed on me, he gave me a weird look.

"You, my friend"- his finger was pointed straight at me. oh no what did i do now? "shower like a bloody girl" I broke out laughing, was he actually being serious right now? were the boobs not a big give away?

"And way is that so surprising Jase?" i said still in a fit of giggles."Wait you didn't think i was a boy this whole time did you?" i suddenly said, with a serious look on my face. it was so hard trying to keep a serious look on at this point.

"what?" Jase had a confused look on his face, it was hilarious. That was another thing i loved about Jason, sometimes the he was just so damn dumb but the cute kind of dumb.

"You're a little slow this morning aren't you babe?" I said in the most innocent voice i had. Wait, i just called Jason babe, my face turned bright red. I felt my my cheeks start to burn, a egg would probably cook it's self if i had cracked one on my cheek right now. I noticed a little smile on Jase's face, but he didn't make a big fuss about me accidentally calling him 'babe'.

"well can you blame me? i've been up since 5:00 am!"

"always making excuse's" I was putting on my shoes, well trying anyway before I feel face first towards the floor. I lay on the ground looking up at the ceiling already  knowing that when I look at Jase he's going to be laughing his sexy butt off. Once I found my feet again and looked at Jason I knew I was right, he was still trying to hide his stupid laugh.

"Can we go now?" I snapped at Jase, it came out a little more aggressive then attended

"We can" and with that Jase walked to the door hold in it open for me to slide out of.

We jumped inside Jason's car and drove out of the drive way, we weren't talking again but I like this silence, it's the good kind. We were had been driving for half an hour and no matter how much I begged Jase wouldn't tell me anything about where we were going, except that it's a couple of hours away.


"Hey, weren't you supposed to be cooking breakfast?" The rumbles of my stomach made me remember about the food that I was waiting for this morning.

"True" Jason's eyes didn't leave the road.

"Well what happened?" I couldn't help being so snappy this morning, I was tired and now I'm hungry.

"I wanted to get you out of the house before you got all emotional about your stupid dad" Jason told me, sending a sympathetic look my way "-plus I did make pancakes.......but I ate 'em" he had the look of a little kid who just did something naughty on his face, his little grin was so adorable as well. Is it weird that i just called a grown man adorable?

"Is dad really at a meeting Jase?" i asked, i mean it is kind of weird that his meeting is going for the whole day, normally they're a couple of hours max.

"he did have one this morning" Jase said quietly, i knew he didn't want to rat dad out but just wanted to know the truth.

"And what about the rest of the day?" he went silent, i was praying it was because he was concentrating and not because he knew something i didn't know "-Jase?" i poked at him trying to get him to talk.

"I'm not sure-" Jason gave me a side way glance, i noticed that he didn't make eye contact thought "-maybe you should ask him tonight".

"yeah, that's if i even see him" I thought i said it to myself, obviously i didn't because Jase responded.

"what do you mean? of course you are going to see him tonight"

"Dad sent me a txt this morning asking if I'm alright to stay at yours this morning, didn't he ask you?" i was confused.

"No, the asshole didn't" okay, well this is a little awkward i thought to myself. I've never heard Jase talk about my dad before, well not this way.

"I can just go home if it's not alright, i'm seventeen now i can look after myself" i didn't want to be a problem to Jase just because my dad couldn't be home with me.

"You're staying at mine okay? I didn't mean it in a bad way" Jase's hand went to the back of his head, why was he so frustrated about this? I knew he knew something else but i chose not to push him for more information and just relax with Jase on our little out going.

So i needed this chapter for the next one, I having a feeling this one dragged out for a bit. Let me know what you think :)

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