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"Dave!" I groaned as I struggled to keep up with him while we ran together. "Wait baby, lets take a break. I can't do this no more." I said out of breath and slowed down to a stop. I hunched over with my hands on my knees, panting heavily.

"Baby we ain't even ran that far yet." He chuckled, continuing to jog on the spot. He was ahead of me too.

"Boy you do sport as a career so don't even talk to me about no 'not that far'. Not that far my ass! I'm done!" I whined, fanning my flushed cheeks due to the heat. Dave had more stamina than I did, of course. That was one of the reasons why I lowkey hated running with his ass but at the same time, I enjoyed it because it allowed us to spend time together while being productive. "I'ma cry." I told him, trying to walk it off but I just felt so dizzy. I hated it.

"Baby c'mon." He said as I took a seat on the ground, feeling to pass out if I stayed on my feet a second longer. "At least walk to me."

"No. David, I hate this shit. You stay going too fast on me!"

He chuckled and walked over. A cyclists rolled by us but he pressed on his brakes as soon as he saw my husband.

"Oh shit, David Brewster?" He said in disbelief.

I rolled my eyes, watching Dave stop to take a picture with the man and just like that, he cycled away again. Dave crouched down to my height and pushed my hair out of my face.

"Look I know you ain't been feeling so hot since you had our girl but I wouldn't want you any other way shorty. If you'on like working out with me then you ain't gotta."

"But you don't even mean that, Dave. Be real with me, okay?" I was trying so hard to get my body back to the way it was but my patience was wearing thin already. The extra weight was blatantly there. I couldn't ignore it and that only meant Dave noticed it too.

"Don't tell me what the fuck I mean. Now c'mon, let's go. You ain't 'bouta sit here on this ground like a little ass kid." He demanded. He switched from kind and considerate to 'bring yo grown ass on' real quick.

We walked the rest of the way back home since I wasn't trying to run. Like ever again. I narrowed my eyes, seeing somebody familiar jogging in our direction. He drew closer, the sight of his face becoming a more vivid image before I finally realized who it was.

"Ryan?" I said making Dave look at me like I lost my mind. Ryan slowed down to a stop in front of Dave and I, out of breath. "Oh wow, hi. What are you doing here in Malibu?"

"It's a great place to run. Lots of trails." He said but I could tell with the way he panted, he didn't really run often. "Really, I've been hoping I would bump into you one day." He confessed.

"Nigga what?" Dave cut in before I could say anything.

"No, babe this is my friend Ryan. He's a cop." I made sure to add so he didn't think about doing anything crazy but that only made him look more ready to lose his shit. "Ryan, this is my husband, David."

"Nice to meet you, man. I'm a big fan," He said, holding his hand out but Dave smacked it away.

"Zo what the fuck is this shit?" He asked me.

"Okay bye Ryan, it was nice seeing you." I said.

He looked between us and muttered 'bye' under his breath before jogging away.

You Before Me [dave east]Where stories live. Discover now