| twenty one

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I sit in my office trying to hopelessly dry my tears from an important piece of paper for my boss after I accidentally cried onto it. Dave still haven't not shown any signs of recovery has taken a big toll on me this past week. If I had little faith before I had zero faith now.

"Zo?" I hear which makes me snap out of my thoughts in an instant as I quit helplessly wiping the piece of paper with the Kleenex.

"Oh, hey Mr. Winchester." I say and sniffle, wiping my face with both my hands trying to hide that I'd been crying in the office because of how unprofessional it is. It's weird seeing my boss in my office since he's always calling me into his whenever he needs something. The guilty look on his face tells me I'm about to receive some bad news.

"There really is no easy way to say this, Zo, but unfortunately I haven't been seeing your best performance here at Winchester Inc. All this crying, it's unprofessional Zo. We are a professional company and we only hire people who are willing to give 110%. Hiring you in the first place was only because I saw a fire in you, despite your lack of experience working as an assistant. Lately, I haven't seen that fire so unfortunately, we're going to have to let you go."

"You're firing me?" I whisper, hearing my voice crack. "Mr. Winchester, I can't tell you how much I need this job. Please, I promise I'll do better. It's just been—"

"I'm sorry, Zo. You'll receive your last check from us. I sincerely do wish you the best." He leaves the office, not wanting to put up with me as I start to cry harder.

I shake my head with tears streaming down my face as I pack all my stuff in a box. Leaving the office and walking down the hallway was like doing the walk of shame. Life really couldn't get any worse.

I walk out of the building holding my box, heading towards Dave's car. I speed up my footsteps, jogging towards the car in my heels when I see a parking officer giving me a ticket. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yell at him. It was the last thing I needed to be getting a ticket right now.

"Ma'am, you aren't supposed to park here." He tells me.

"What do you mean? I've been parking here for the past two weeks! Are you crazy?" I scream with tears running down my face, only messing up my makeup some more. People around are starting to look my way since I seem crazy but really, I've never been so fed up. Everything is hitting me at once which makes me wonder what I did to deserve all of this.

"Sorry, ma'am. You're going to have to pay the fine." He tells me and walks away.

I sit in the car and cry my eyes out with my head resting on the steering wheel. I couldn't believe how my life was turning out. How can I get fired?

My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sniffle and wipe my tears, answering the phone. "Hello?" I croak out.

"Afternoon, am I speaking with X—, uh, Miss. X-I—" she was struggling to pronounce my name, making me roll my eyes as I sniffle again.

"Yes, this is she."

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Is it possible for you to come into the hospital regarding Mr. David Brewster?"

I start stuttering, knowing they wouldn't call me in if it wasn't something bad. "Uh, yeah. Yeah sure." I say hesitantly and hang up. I start up the car and wipe my eyes yet again to clear up my vision.

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