| nine

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After work, I get the bus to Latrelle's neighborhood and walk down the street in my heels. It wasn't the attire I wanted to pull up in but I didn't exactly have a choice.

My eyes roll once I get to his crib, seeing more than a couple guys sitting on the steps and standing around in the frontyard. Just what I need is an audience.

"Ay, what's up, Zo?" Darius says, trying to dap me up but I ignore him.

"Don't talk to me." I snap, making my way into the house like I own the place. When I'm mad at one person, I get mad at the whole gang. It's a bad habit. "Latrelle!" I yell angrily, busting into his room.

I find him getting his dick sucked by some bitch, making me roll my eyes. "Get out." I tell her, watching as she rushes to pick up her t-shirt before pushing past me as she leaves the room. I would've went after her for brushing past me like that but my anger is already focused on this bitch.

"What's up, Zo. Fuck you doing here?"

"Latrelle are you fucking crazy!" I scream at him, throwing a shoe at his head but he ducks out the way before it could hit him. "What? You just thought I wouldn't find out?"

"You lost ya fucking mind? Fuck you talking about?" He snaps, standing up to buckle his pants not bothering to put his shirt on again. I know I got him mad but not as mad as I am. Shit, I had to go through the whole day at work mad and had my boss asking if I want him to fire me!

"You know I had fucking pigs show up at my door because of the shit you got my brother into!" I spit out accusingly, slapping him across his stupid face. His face falls in realization and shock. "How could you do that to me, Latrelle! We were supposed to be fucking friends."

He shakes his head and walks away from me, picking up a pre-rolled blunt from his nightstand. He lights it and starts smoking like I'm not right here about to blow off some steam on him. "Well?!" I scream.

"Chill the fuck out, Xiomara."

"I'm not chilling shit, dickhead! You got my baby brother into selling drugs! My baby brother!"

"That shit ain't my fault. I asked the lil' nigga if he wanted to make some money and he said coo'." Latrelle shrugs like it's nothing.

"And that was your business because?!" I say, clasping my hands to keep myself from smacking him again.

"I was helping the kid. Fuck you so mad for? Chill out." He says, walking over trying to pass the blunt so I smack it out of his hand. "For real?" He kisses his teeth at the joint now on the floor.

"Fuck you, Latrelle!" I yell at him. It's really bugging me that he can't see how wrong he was for getting my brother into selling weed.

He shakes his head and pushes me up against the wall with his hand around my throat. "You mean that?" He smirks.

"Get the fuck off me. I should really tell my cousins what the fuck you got my brother into." I say, knowing they ain't gonna take that shit lightly. Of course I wouldn't but sometimes throwing around threats gets me a step further.

"Man, get the fuck out." Latrelle snaps, walking away from me to sit on his stupid bed, still smoking his stupid blunt.

"Yeah and from here, we don't fuck with each other. That means don't check for me no more and I ain't doing you no more fucking favors!" I grab a glass sitting on his dresser and try to throw it at him but he ducks making it shatter against the wall. "Fuck you!"

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