| three

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"Zo!" I hear my boss call my name from his office so I sigh and stand up from my desk, walking out of my much smaller work space.

I work as an assistant for my entrepreneur boss. I'm pretty convinced he only hired me for my looks because when I was new to the job, I didn't know the first thing about being a good assistant. I used to mess up everything since it's not as easy as you would think but I got used to it with time.

Being at somebody's every beck and call didn't and still doesn't sit well with me but it gets the bills paid.

My heels make noise across the marble floor as I head over to his office. I knock on the door before letting myself in, finding him sitting behind his desk with his reading glasses on. "Is there anything you need, sir?" I ask.

"No. I was just telling you that you're free to go for the rest of the week. I have a business meeting to attend in Seattle so I won't see you until Monday." He says, still yet to look up from his laptop.

I frown since 'the rest of the week' only means I have Friday off since it's Thursday and I don't work weekends anyway. "Well I guess I'll see you Monday. Have a wonderful trip." I respond, trying to be polite.

"Mhm." He hums absentmindedly so I close the door and roll my eyes before heading back to my office to grab my stuff, finally heading out.

I managed to discover another route to get to my neighborhood without having to take the bus through Skid Row. That means I wouldn't have to go job-searching since looking for another job as okay-paying as this one, plus with my lack of experience in anything, sounds almost impossible.

I sigh and take a seat at the bus stop, already tired from walking in these heels but it was part of the work attire. I'm looking at my nails when a car pulls up at the stop, grabbing my attention.

The window rolls down, revealing Dave's face which makes me tilt my head to the side.

"You waiting for the bus?" He calls out.

"Yup. In fact you mind giving me a ride? I need—" but before I can even finish my sentence, he breaks out into a smirk and drives away. "Hey!" I yell, standing up to watch him speed down the street. I was mad. He basically just rubbed shit in my face about taking the bus.

I sigh frustratedly and sit back down waiting impatiently. The bus pulls up shortly so I hop on and get off at the liquor store not far from my place since it's the closest stop I can get.

"The fuck?" I say under my breath as I walk down the street, seeing my little brother leaning over a car talking to somebody through the window. I speed up my pace before finally approaching the car. "Hey! What the hell is going on?"

"These people were tryna talk to me." Alonzo responds.

I scoff, looking into the car only to shake my head. "Smells like fucking bacon in here. Y'all ain't got none better to do than bother little kids?" I spit out. It was pretty obvious they were undercover cops. We get them around the neighborhood pretty often.

"I don't know what you talking about. We just tryna know where to get drugs from and thought the little kid could help us out."

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