Chapter 11

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- Where are we? Asked Cake. I looked at the black walls that had red velvet tapestry on them and big paintings of the former kings and queens on the walls.

- Home. I said. This very walls make me nauseous.

- Hey guys where is Ashley? Asked Fiona.

-  I think I know where she is but be prepared for anything and don't run away on your own! I said taking the lead. Knowing my mom and Ashley this won't end well. I flew my fastest into the throne room and immediately got hit in in the stomach. I groaned in pain trying to catch my breath then I got hit by a fist in the face. I fell on my knees, everything was becoming blurry, I could feel hot liquid dripping out of my nose. I could hear Fiona and the others screaming to let them go. When my vision returned I could see two demon servants aiming axes towards my throat. Huh home, a grin was now on full display on my face as I wiped away the blood and lift up my hands to show that I surrender.

- Put them in the cage! I heard followed by a chuckle. My dear mother. Some servants pushed Cake, Fiona and Gumball in a red cage with metal bars.

- Ha, you can't contain me here honey! Cake said as she attempted to get big but but failed miserably.

- You like my magicproof cage? My dear assistant was the one who put a spell on it. Ashley appeared from nowhere. I scanned the room searching desperately with my eyes for July. Then I saw her hanging from the ceiling with her hands tied with a rope to the ceiling. Her eyes were still the same terrifying colour.

- What have you done mother?! I screamed now getting up. She flicked her dark blue hair behind her shoulder as she walked up to me, the demons took a step back lowering their weapons. Her heels were so loud against the red marble floor.

- Well Marshy I found a way to get what I want.

- And what I want! Interrupted Ashley putting the emphasis on I but my mom just rolled her eyes.

- As you know your.... friend is possessed by my Moonstone. She said looking towards July putting the emphasis on the word my.

- Only a royalty can use the Moonstone as you know. I did this to make you pledge.

- You disgust me you deplorable woman! Hot pain spread quickly on my cheek as did the sound of her hand slapping me.

- How dare you speak in such a manner to me, you disappoint me. Her eyes sparked with anger.

- And I did this because I want you back Marshy and I also got this cool new powers from your mom. Inflicted Ashley but I ignored her.

- I can't, I don't want to rule the Nightosphere and I don't want to ever be like you!

- Wait aren't you already King? Asked Fiona. I stared at the ground letting my hair be a curtain for my face as shame made its way into my body.

- Oh this got ugly fast, Marshy didn't you tell them how you ran away?! She sing sang the words in a cheerful tone, I didn't have look at her to know she was smiling.

- If..If I do this will you give me the Moonstone and let me continue to live in Aaa? I asked mortified of the answer.

- Yes but with one condition, you have to steal someones soul. Oh this will be so exciting, it will be the first one you take, She said between giggles. Oh and to make this even more interesting, it has to be someone in this room, apart from the guard of course. You would want to do this quickly before her time runs out. She can't seriously make me do this, whos soul should I take. First things first, I tried to remember how to pledge and what to say but it was hard since I learned all this a few hundred years ago. I kneeled on one knee and put my right hand over the left side of my chest. I took a deep breath then looked over at July's almost lifeless body.

- I Marshall Lee, vampire and demon hereby pledge to be faithful to my own kind. I pledge to help those in my kingdom and that I will truly serve and do my best as ruler of the Nightosphere. I swear to steal every soul and to follow in my ancestors footsteps and become the next King of the Nightosphere. I glanced at the chage were my friends were as I got up. I could see anxiety growing on their faces. A golden paper appeared in front of me and a black quill. I picked up the quill and paper as I cut a small area on my wrist so blood could come out. I gritted my teeth in pain as I put the quill tip on my wrist so it could suck up the blood. Then I neatly wrote my name in blood ironically enough. Then the paper and the quill disappeared. I fell on my knees as a pain throbbed through my chest. A scream escaped my lips.

- Yes Marshall let the power fill you!! I felt different when I got back up, my head was heavier than usual. I put a hand on my head only to feel something cold and pointy, it was a crown. Then I remembered, the Moonstone, July. I was no longer in charge of my actions right now. I pointed my hand towards Ashley and stripped her of her powers and took away her soul as she became a pile of dust on the marble red floor. I then destroyed the chage my friends were in and lastly, my dear mother.

- Give me the stone! I demanded in a dark voice. She did with a big proud smile on her face. I destroyed it, it was only dust left of it. I got July down from the ceiling and untied her. She was now in my arms as we were sitting on the floor. Her eyes slowly fluttered open revealing that beautiful brown colour. I smiled as relief washed over my being. I hugged her close to my body as tears of joy escaped my eyes.

- What the hell happened? She asked as she put a hand on her forehead. I assumed she had a headache.

- I'll explain later, I'll take you to my place so you can rest. I picked her up bridal style as I opened a portal to my house with my newfound powers. I turned to my mom.

- Don't mess shit up in my life anymore! I said looking sternly at her meaning every word. I then walked through the portal together with the others.

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