Chapter 10

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I was starting to feel my body again, my arm stung, my head ached, then I remembered what happened.

- July! I screamed sitting up from bed. I pulled out the needle that was in my arm then the machines started to beep and Gumball rushed in out of breath. When he saw that I was up he pinched the bridge of his nose.

- You should rest. He said gesticulating with his hand. He looked rough.

- Where is July? I asked trying to make my way out of here but he pushed me back.

- You had a concussion and a few cuts here and there, you need to rest. He said more insistent than the last time.

- I'm fine! I spit out hissing as my eyes turned a gleaming red. Gumball pinched the bridge of his nose.

- Something is wrong with her. He said and I sharpened my ears.

- She awoke before you did. I interrupted him.

- For how long was I out? He sat down on a chair scribbling down some numbers or whatever.

- A day so it wasn't for long. I nod slowly processing everything.

- I put July in a restraining vest.

- You did what!? I hissed.

- Before you kill me you might want to listen to why I did that.

- Go on. I told him.

- She woke up right after you passed out, then she tried to climb the mountain again. When we arrived at the emergency room in the castle the first thing she did was grabbing a pair of scissors. She tried stabbing herself but Cake was quick and prevented it. He ran a hand through his now messy hair.

- Did something unusual happen last night when she left the ball? I tried to think long and hard.

- Now that you mention it she said something about a blue light in the bushes.

- Was it the same colour as her eyes? I gave a half shrug.

- I don't really know, only July saw it.

- Do you know much about magical artifacts or creatures that could have done something to her? Gumball asked looking deep in thought.

- I don't think it was a creature, it must have been an artifact. If it was an iridescent blue object then I could only think about one thing but it can't be possible. I told him.

- What objet?

- It's called the Moonstone but it can't be that. It's supposed to be in the Nightosphere. And my mother is the only one who can access it. I gritted my teeth when I said the last part. Gumball nodded and got up from his chair and took his clipboard with him.

- Where is July? I asked following him down the stairs to a dark corridor I have never seen before. He opened a door and I had to shield my eyes from the bright light.

- Shh Fiona is sleeping! Cake whispered/screamed. I could see Fiona in a chair leaning her head against the wall as she was facing a glass wall. I could her Cake and Gumball talking but that became background noise when I saw July on the ground with a restraining vest on her.

- Please let me in! I told Gumball as he reached for a key in his pocket. He twisted it and I immediately ran towards her and kneeled in front of her.

- She is unstable, be careful. Said Gumball as he also entered the snow white room. I put both my hands on her shoulders as I tried shaking her again, it can't be too late. I kissed her soft lips promising her that I will fix this somehow. She didn't move and her eyes were still that horrible ice cold blue.

- Please, please, you have to fight it back. I know you are strong please fight for me. I whispered as tears started streaming down my face. I started whispering shooting words hoping that she would hear them.

- Marshall stop! Said Gumball. I turned my head towards him.

- What?

- Listen! I started listening and soon enough I heard tapping. July was tapping her finger on the wall that was behind her. Gumball immediately ran out and got a pen and a paper. He listened intently.

- H- E- L- P...M- E...A- S- H- L- E- Y. It's morse code. Gumball said out loud then looked at me.

- No it can be. I started breathing irregularly as I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. At least she is still in there.

- When the Moonstone has someone possessed for a longer period of time it eventually takes away the person's soul leaving them...dead. I told Gumball. But what has Ashley to do with this, the Moonstone can only be taken out of its glass cage by a royalty, my mom.

- Didn't you say something about Ashley leaving Aaa? Cake asked entering the room. I nod.

- This doesn't make any sense! I almost screamed in frustration then smoke filled the room as a laugh echoed leaving goosebumps on my skin. Fiona ran in the room and in front of us was Ashley floating with her arms crossed.

- You look pathetic, you are surrounded by your so called "friends" but deep down you know you are lonely. I can't believe you've fallen for a mortal, I thought you were better than this, really Marshall. You should learn to make better decisions. She landed in front of me and kissed me but I remained stoic with hatred filling my eyes. She ran a hand through my hair and I couldn't believe that I used to like the way she touched me, it feels absolutely disgusting now. She smiled satisfied.

- What have you done to July?! I said through gritted teeth trying to hold the urge to choke her right here and now. She ran her slender fingers on my chest but I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her hand but she teleported a few steps back.

- I see you have new magic tricks. I said unamused.

- Well since you are so impatient, I will let you onto my and your dear mothers plan. But that would spoil the fun, wouldn't it? She said while she flicked her white hair behind her shoulder. She picked July up over her shoulder and opened a portal to what I assume was the Nightosphere. My eyes widened and my mouth hung open.

- Well it was fun, but I have a funeral to prepare! She said as she jumped through the black portal and without any doubt I jumped after her.

- Marshall wait for us! Screamed Fiona as all three of them followed me. Fuck. I'm not ready to meet my mother nor am I ready to lose July. We teleported to one of the corridors from the north side of the castle.

marshall lee x reader (Bad Blood Sweet taste)!!!!COMPLETED!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon