Chapter 3

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The following morning I woke up because the sun was killing my eyes. I turned on my belly and I buried my face into the pillow as the incident from last night crossed my mind. I slowly got up from my bed and went to my closet as I picked up a pair of jeans and a light blue t-shirt with low back. The smell of pancakes with syrup hit my face like a brick as I ran drooling downstairs.

- Cake you're the best!! Her pancakes are the best. So soft, fluffy and tasty. My mouth was dripping. So fluffy.

- Good morning hun to you too. She said while turning the pancake on the other side.

- Here you go baby girl! Cake said happily as she placed a plate of her famous pancakes in front of me. I ate as fast as I could then I glanced at the clock. 12.34!!! Oh no! I jumped of off the chair and ran to my room, grabbed my bag and bolted out the door. Oh Glob I overslept.

- Bye Fi and Cake. I yelled. It is a cloudy day and the sun peeks out from time to time from behind the clouds. I could already smell the sweet scent of the Candy Kingdom. I took a deep breath. I've missed it pretty much. I could see the pink castle and the bananaguards guarding the Gates. The guards opened the big gate and I entered the castle. The sweet scent filled my lungs it was intoxicating in a good way. I giggled at that thought. I entered the big ball room and saw Gumball giving directions and orders to the candy people.

- It looks really pretty. I said as Gumball turned around and jumped a little.

- Oh I didn't see you there...did you get a good night sleep because tonight we are gonna party!! He said excited while adjusting his white flannel shirt. I haven't seen him without his royal clothes, he looks nice this way.

- Yeah and thanks again for throwing me a party! I really appreciate it! He gave me a big smile.

- Let's go to the garden I want to show you something. He spoke as he started to walk. Wow everyone is so busy preparing for the party. They really are taking this very seriously. The worst thing is that it is my party, I felt bad because I wasn't allowed to help them. Gumball grabbed my hand as he sped up his steps and I admit I was a little unprepared of his action but went along with it.

- I really hope you'll like it, I had to order it all the way from the Crystal Kingdom. Oh excuse my manners I am so excited to show you this that I couldn't bare myself. He said as he let go of my hand.

- Oh it's fine I didn't mind and I'm sure I'll like what you have prepared but you still didn't have to get me anything. I told him as I gave him a little smile as a visible blush appeared on his face but I decided to brush that of pretending not to have seen it. The garden was really big you can almost get lost in here. The flowers here are in so many different colors and some are candy flowers and they only grow here. They give away such a fresh but sweet scent.

- Close your eyes! Gumball said excited as I did as he said and let him lead the way.

- Open them! I opened my eyes and blinked a few times and saw a beautiful arranged table with the prettiest flowers I have ever seen and on the table were plates of cookies and cups of tea.

- Gumball it's so beautiful, I am speechless. I said in aw.

- Beautiful like you. And as quickly as that came out of his mouth both of us were a blushing mess. We took our seats but not before he did the gentleman thing helping me with my chair. I didn't know what to start with all this treats look so good. I finally decided on taking the purple one that tasted like blueberry.

- I have one more surprise! He said as he ordered Butterscotch to come. The little candy woman came with a pretty big box that had a stunning wrapping.

- This is for you! Gumball said with a satisfied smile on his face. I took the box from Butterscotch's hands and put it on my lap.

- Thank you, what is it? I asked while I held the beautiful box in my hands.

- Open it and you'll see. I did as he told me and I picked up an exquisite red gown. My eyes couldn't believe what they saw.

- you like it? He asked as I turned around and placed the dress back in it's box.

- I love it!!! It's just so beautiful! I said as I hugged him and he hugged back. I could feel the sweet bubblegum scent that emerged from him. I was not expecting such a pretty gift, usually in my home world I would get a simple t-shirt from Forever 21 or something like that. But this was really something else. 

- It's like the prettiest gown I've ever seen, but it's getting late and I have to go visit Marshy too before the party. I told him while he slowly let go of my body.

- Why are you visiting that disgraceful vampire, he'll only cause you trouble! In addition to that I only want your best. Ugh why do they have to practically jump at each other's throats.

- Well he is my friend just like you and I'll see you at the party and thank you again for the beautiful surprise. I told him while picking up the box trying not to sound rude and put it in my backpack and then left without looking back. I ran out of the Candy Kingdom and towards the forest. I stopped next to a tree to catch my breath, I really don't know how Fionna and Cake can go out on adventures all day and run and kick butts and still be full of energy. Maybe they are on some candy drugs or something, that thought made me laugh out loud but I was soon brought to reality by a voice that came from no other than the Flame Prince himself?!

- Fp! I screamed to get the flame boys attention.

- July! He said as he turned around and walked towards me.

- Is this really you or am I going crazy? He said in disbelief.

- It is me! I said with a smile as he placed a hand on my arm but I quickly pulled away due to the burning sensation.

- O my Glob I'm so sorry July, I always forget that I can't touch things that aren't heat proof. Please forgive me! He begged me as I looked down at my now red marked arm.

- It's no biggie, look I'm fine! I tried to convince him even if the burnmark did hurt, but he couldn't help it because he is entirely made of fire.

- Are you coming to the party tonight? I asked trying to change the subject.

- Yeah I am. He simply said as he scratched the back of his neck.

- Sweet, see you later then! I said as we waved our goodbyes. 

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