Chapter Ten

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The next few days were especially busy for Sanem. She was nearing the end of her book, it was demanding all of her spare time.  Although this book was based loosely of her life after Can's return till present day, she had added different events and scenarios so as not to mimic their lives completely.  It would come with a happy ending, just like the first book, but it was clearly born out of fiction. Her positive outlook on life wouldn't allow her to end a story of such love on a negative note. Maybe it was in her subconscious mind that she always saw a happy ending for them, so that's the reason she always put it on paper.  This time it felt so strange, she felt different,  more out of touch with Can than ever before. Maybe she did need to meet with him, just to see if he had remembered anything, to talk to him and reconnect with his soul..  He was important to her, he was her life and always would be.  She had her memories of them, but they were of a different Can, so she had to get to know this Can....if she was to move on.....

Even though it had only been a few days since he last texted her, it seemed like a lifetime...His pleas to meet with him was met with rejection.  Had she always been this stubborn, he thought , if so,  how had he handled it before.  He should talk to someone, maybe Emre could shed some light on the relationship they had. He needed  a more personal, day to day account of what they were like together..the book just hadn't been enough...He went into Emre's office,  sat down, staring off into space,  Emre waited a minute for him to speak, after a minute Emre asked,  " Abi, are you ok,  whats going on. "  Can looked at Emre with confusion in his eyes,  " I need  you to tell me about me and Sanem, our relationship,  not what was it the book".......He just realized that no one had explained to him in detail,  the deep down feelings they had for each other.  Everyone had just glazed over what they had  together, he needed that,  " in your gut feeling, the feeling that takes your breath away. "  Did  he have that with her."   Emre smiled, and said, "  Your love was indescribable,  you had never been so happy. Even with Polen,  you still were into yourself,  she was a "take it or leave it "  woman for you."  But Sanem,  ah,  she brought out the man in you, the part of you that was vulnerable yet the strongest you had ever been. The part that made everyone else envy what you had,  like me. "  Emre hung his head,  tearing up he confessed,  " I have always been envious of you,  your ability to command the attention of every situation. "  You and Sanem, together,  controlled the universe, making everyone believed they could have a love like that too. 

Can was touched by the words from Emre,  he had never experienced that kind of connection with him before.   " What made it so special though, " He questioned, " How did we become that couple that everyone envied. "  Emre started to explain,  "  All the problems that happened between you two, her deception, that was caused by me, you forgave them all.  You couldn't refuse her, she broke down the rigid standards that you had once made for yourself. She helped you forgive me for the unspeakable things I did to you out of jealousy. You, Can Divit, that never forgave anyone that lied to you or deceived you, had developed compassion.  And compassion only comes from loving and being loved." Emre explained, not leaving out a thing. " I don't know what else to say brother,  she changed you, made you better.. But I will say this, you did meet a person that was equal to you in stubbornness.  I believe that's what you're facing right now, that trait that you both have mastered, you just have to find a way to get her to trust you again...

Can stood to leave,  he stopped and looked at Emre,  " One question,...Did she make me laugh? "  I mean, really laugh. I don't remember ever "really" laughing.  Emre smiled a big smile, "Brother, I promise you, she made you laugh, she is unique in every way, including the ability to touch your soul."   Can left his office, a little more enlightened about the person he had become the past two years, and the person that had been responsible for that.  The need to see and talk to her face to face was greater, now more than ever.

With her book finished , she was preparing to send to the publishers.  What a relief to have it done.  This seems like a rebirth of her soul,  the story of her that made her stronger,  more able to look past what had been.. but the idea of meeting with Can, seeing him,  letting him in again, it was scary.  But she had made up her mind it had to be,  she had to see him.  The last few texts had sounded sincere and desperate, maybe he had a breakthrough in his memory. " Would it make a difference?"  She wondered,  " If he had all their times together,  good and bad,  restored back into his heart, with his memories of their love, how would she feel? Happy for him? Happy for Us?  What would happen?   All the "what if's" made her head hurt... It was late so she would text him tomorrow.

She made the announcement as she arrived at work the next morning, " The book is finished. "       She shouted with happiness. " I dropped it in the mail on my way here. "   Maya and Selim clapped and danced with her around the shop.  "  We have to celebrate, " Maya yelled,  " Friday  night at the club, " everyone will be so excited for you. " she said.. ..The plans were made.....                 The day flew by, all the customers were elated and anxious to read the book, written by their friend they had come to love..  As she walked home, her thoughts of Can made her smile, she wanted to share the news with him about the book.  She stopped and sent a text, " Hi, have some news, would you like to meet?  Send........

Can pickup  his phone, looking to see who was texting......Sanem, she wants to meet!!   He quickly excuses himself from the meeting and went to the hallway.  

" I would love to, just tell me when and where. "  he wrote.  Send 

" On Saturday, I'll send you the time and address, but probably about lunchtime, Ok. " Send

Great!  He yelled.  He returned to the meeting, giddy and overjoyed.  Aicha and the Womanart group had brought a new product and they had been discussing it, but he was ready for the meeting to be over... As the group was leaving, Aicha asked if Can old like to go for drinks on Friday evening. Still in a state of euphoria he accepted. She was elated, telling him she had found a new club and she was sure he would like it.......

His only thoughts were, " Saturday couldn't get here fast enough....

Hi everyone, hope you're enjoying the story. The road will get bumpy as their lives move on. Please send your comments and vote. I appreciate all that read..Thank you

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