Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"So... where were you last night?" Stiles asked at breakfast,

I looked up at him, I knew he would be asking this question but I wasn't going to lie, nor tell the truth just yet, "I was out. Why?"

He just shrugged, "Who with?"

"What's it to you?"

"Because... you don't have many friends around here." He grumbled,

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Wow ok. I mean I definitely don't need to tell you where I was now"

Jackson already told me that no one saw him last night, he was out. So we already agreed he would be my cover story, he didn't ask any questions, and he agreed to be any future cover stories until I told him everything.

"Shit. I didn't mean it... like that. I just mean..."

"Nah it's cool stiles" I shrugged, "Anyway, I'll see you at school yeah?" I asked him putting my breakfast plate in the sink,

He just groaned and rolled his eyes, "See you there."

When I got to school I met Jackson first, we hung out for a while before it was time for class, in-class I was with Ethan because Lydia wasn't in this class, and for my second class I was with a few girls I had made friends with. The day was alright, by the time lunch hit, I was at with my brother and his friends rather than others. Just because I had the last lesson with the majority of these guys.

"So you were missing last night. Where were you?" Lydia asked with a small smirk,

"We went out" Jackson answered for me, "A place in the city. A bit stupid for a Sunday night really" He shrugged sending me a wink,

"Wait what?" Stiles asked, "I thought Ethan said you two went to some bar?"

"Clearly I didn't mention your sister joining us because that wouldn't look good"

"Why didn't you just say that?" Stiles asked,

"You were being mean and annoying" I shrugged,

He snorted and I shook my head, "Also, change of subject, does anyone know when dance tryouts are? I'm going to audition. Just so you know, I can get more friends" I said shooting Stiles a look,

"Clearly something has happened here" Isaac murmured,

"Clearly my brothers an idiot sometimes" I shrugged nonchalantly

"Wait, what did he do?" Scott asked,

"Nothing" Stiles interrupted, "We just... I was being a dick at breakfast."

"Yeah I know how it is" Aiden smirked, "It's more of a sibling thing than a dickhead thing"

"For once, Aiden actually agrees with me. See" Stiles pointed out,

I just rolled my eyes but had a small smile on my face, lunch went by quickly, and after lunch, I met with a few friends that were on the dance team themselves. Which was nice, especially since they asked if I want to hang out after school one day. The girls were, Kim, Cassidy, and Taylor. All of them were so different but so lovely.

Although they also asked about why I'm so close to well, the pack, I explained how Stiles is my brother, and Jackson and I have been friends for years. They found it weird that I was hanging out with people aside from my brother and his group of friends but were still so welcoming.

Cass is the captain of the dance team and told me that as soon as tryouts start, she'll help me get in, and before that, she'll even see what I'm like with dance already. Considering I was on the team at Eriston High, I'm sure I'll be fine here.

Unforgettable | Derek HaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz