Chapter 12

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I was hoping that as soon as I started school, things would go back to normal, they didn't. I thought talking to Derek would help things go back to normal. They didn't. Everything was just a mess, and school was on top of that mess.

Going in, I was fine with everyone, my friendships had been better then ever since I've been here. Stiles and I were in a good place, things weren't as awkward with Derek, and everyone else I was fine with. Jackson is still my best friend, and he's the one I walked into school with on our first day back. 

By this point most of the town knew I was back so kids knew as well, I briefly recognised a lot of people from when I was younger, some people said hi, welcomed me back, but it was weird... in a good way. It felt like there was some normality restored in my life, and I felt positive.

I found most of my classes easily because I knew at least one person in each class, a lot of my AP classes I shared with Lydia which was nice knowing someone in there.

An unlikely friend that I made was Ethan, we had most of our classes together because I felt like I saw him more than anyone, he was a nice guy and a joker. Someone easy to get along with.

At lunch, I, much to my surprise sat with them all. I had gotten to know a few people, made a few new friends, but didn't want to intrude on them and sit with them uninvited. At least this way I know them all.

"How did yesterday go?" Lydia asked me while everyone around us were talking.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked her,

She rose her eyebrows at me and I let out a small smile, "It went... bad at first, then it went ok. It's ok" I nodded,

"What does that mean for you guys?"

I shook my head, "For me, not that much. Firstly, I don't know what I want, secondly, he's got a few years on me, I told him I don't want anything, we're just friends I guess. I'm hoping the tension isn't that bad when I next see him, and let's not forget that I don' know him at all, nor do I want any involvement in this life. But lifes also a bitch"

"He's a good guy" She smiled at me, "He's been through a lot and I think normality will be good for him"

I nodded, "It scares me. Don't get me wrong, I've only ever been with one person and he's still my best friend, so I'm not good at a lot of this, and even that it was just sex, sure I've had a few dates and shit since, but it's not really at the top of my agenda."

"You done things the right way" She nodded, "Hopefully this will be better in the long run for you both"

I wasn't sure how to reply to that, "I just hope whatever's best does work out" I told her honestly,

"He's a..." Jackson spoke up his mouth full of food, "I don't care what anyone says, but he's a fucking prick"

"He's not that bad" I said defending him to Jackson, "I mean I thought so to until yesterday"

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