Chapter 9

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So, this is a lame ass warning but this has a lot of sexual talk in it, nothing too deep, and no smut just the conversations are sexual flirtation I guess. 


Chapter 9

I had a lot of time to think about what Chris said to me. It's true that I don't want to be part of whatever they are, and I will stick to my word. I will in school make my own friends and start my own life again. Until then, I do need to repair things with Jackson. I just don't want things to be awkward. I mean I could do what I do best and call him out, go for food, out of earshot of everyone else, and talk to him. Tell him I know. Or just act like I can ignore what happened last week, and carry on being friends with him.

When I got home, the guys were all there and I put the food away. I started to prep dinner so all I would need to do later is put it in the oven while I pondered on and on about what I should do.

Once I had finished with the food and tidied up after myself, I walked past the guys and started on going upstairs. I don't know why they were here, but they were before we went they were usually hanging out at Derek's or something. Don't know what changed but something has. I was halfway up the stairs when I thought it's now or never.

I went back down and stood in the doorway, everyone looked at me, I hadn't realised the girls were also here now, well everyone was. This just made things so much more difficult. Jackson was sat to the side kind of. You could tell with the dynamics he was part of the pack, but not as involved with everyone else. He was close sat with Lydia and Ethan. Probably the two he's closest to in the pack. Not that I know that they are a pack.

"Jackson" I called, "Have you got some time or are you busy?" I asked

"I've got time, what's up?" He asked,

I nodded my head towards the door and he immediately got up following me. I grabbed my jacket and we both left the house,

"Where we going?" He asked,

"No clue," I said getting into my car, he got in the passenger side and I started up the car.

We drove in silence for a while until I got to the edge of the public footpath that goes through the woods.

"You're not bringing me out here to kill me are you?" he asked looking into the trees with narrowed eyes, it was probably going to get dark within the next hour, the sky wasn't as bright as it was earlier,

"Not today" I mumbled, "But we need to talk," I said switching off the engine. "Sorry I came all the way out here, didn't know where to come, I mean if you want to stay in the car we can, I mean I know it's going to start getting dark soon and I don't know if I wanna go for a walk in the woods at this time" I said,

"It's cool, we can talk here if you want"

"Alright, well firstly... Sorry for ignoring you since we've been and for the way I spoke to you earlier. I had no right to be like that towards me, sure I got scared last week, but you are one of my best friends and made me moving back here so much easier than I anticipated. And the thing is Jax, I do have something to tell you, but I... I don't want anyone to know. I want whatever time I'll be in beacon hills for, for me to be safe and happy. I'm sure you can understand that"

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