Ch 35 Epilouge

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for 3.2k+ views! It means a lot. Hope you guys liked the last chapter. As you can tell, this is the last chapter of this story. So this chapter won't have a date mentioned in the end *chuckles*. Read the A/N- oh wait, wait! Sorry, it's my habit to write it at the start of every chapter. *smiles sheepishly* But still, please check the A/N at the end, and the next chapter! On with the chapter! 

Three years later

"What the hell, Mia?" 

He was peacefully sleeping until a certain someone, his wife to be more specific, decided to put the muggle alarm clock next to him on the bed, hit him on his face with a pillow, and as if she had a doubt that he still won't wake up, threw a glass of cold water on his face. 

He reluctantly woke up, and saw his wife standing next to his bed, her hands on her hips, glaring at him. 

"It's about time you woke up." She said. 

"About time? It's so early. Did you forget that today is a Sunday?" He asked her. 

Hermione sat next to him on the bed and said, "It's not early, Draco. It's seven o'clock." 

"And, I believe that's considered very early for a Sunday. Anyways, did you have any reason for waking me up except to tell me the time?" Draco asked her.

"Actually yes, I do. Somebody is coming to visit us today. That's why we stayed the night yesterday here, at the Manor, remember?" Hermione said. 

"Who's coming to visit us?" He said while yawning. 

"Did you honestly forget who's coming?" She asked him. 

"Umm...yeah. Can I get a hint?" He asked.

"Well, let's see. The person to whom our almost seventeen- years- old love to bribe? And she never gives them detention if they break the school rules?" Hermione asked. 

"Who is that- Oh, McGonagall? They still give her our pictures, and it works? And she and my mother won't even let us scold them. According to them, they are just 'kids'." Draco asked, shaking his head. 

"Correct, Mr Malfoy. Ten points to Slytherin." Hermione said. 

"Why, thank you, Mrs Malfoy." He said and smirked as she blushed. Almost two decades of being married, and she still blushed whenever he called her that. 

"On a serious note, is she coming today?" He asked her. 

"Yeah... In-" She checked her watch and said, "- about an hour." 

He immediatley sat up on the bed. "Bloody hell. And you are telling me this now?" He exclaimed. 

Hermione shot him a look, which clearly said are-you-kidding-me? 

"I am sorry." He apologised, and added, "But why is she coming here? Hogwarts for our children doesn't start until next month." 

"Your mother invited her here. Apparently, McGonagall wants to meet her grandchildren." Hermione said. 

"Well, I certainly didn't expect to wake up like this." Draco grumbled as she stood up. But before she could walk away, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down next to him. 

"Draco? I need to go." She said. 

"I can't meet her when I am in a bad mood. Just one kiss to make me feel better." Draco said, winking at her.

"What if someone walked in? You know that the nobody in this house knows how to knock, excluding me." Hermione said.

"Who will walk in? My father? He's probably sitting in the dining room, reading the Daily Prophet." He held up a finger as he said that.

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