Ch 4

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A/N: So I created a character of my own in the last chapter- Andrew Mayfair. And I thought Logan Lerman will look cool as Andrew Mayfair. Also I really love his look in Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief.  And I own this character ( Andrew Mayfair). Just a quick note that after this chapter I will not be able to update daily since school has started but I'll inform at the end of each chapter when I am going to update. Enough rambling by me...Let's get on with the chapter!

"Granger, there's someone here who wants to meet you." Draco called from the common room.

"Who is the-oh hey! You must be Andrew Mayfair right?" Hermione said as she came out of her room."

"Yeah that's me. And you must be Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, I assume?" Andrew asked while smiling at her.

"Yeah. Umm What are you doing here?"

To say Andrew was good looking would be an understatement. He had blue eyes  that reminded you of the sky and raven/ black colour hair like Harry. He had dimples when he smiled which made him look cute. He had a fair skin tone like Hermione. His black shirt and blue jeans underneath his robes complemented his skin tone perfectly. 

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Well McGonagall told me that you both are the top students and if I have some doubts I could ask you. Also she told me to inform you both that she wants to see you both in her office after breakfast." He said while smiling.

"Who gave you the password?" Draco asked almost rudely.

"Oh no I don't know the password. McGonagall told me that the portrait will let me enter just this time." Andrew said who didn't seem to mind Draco's tone. 

"Well Andrew we both will be happy to help you." Hermione said while looking at the clock.

"Thanks and you can call me Andy. All my friends call me that."

"She isn't your friend Mayfair. She just met you." Draco said while scowling at him.

"Well Andy we better be off if we want to attend breakfast. If you don't mind, I have something important to discuss with Malfoy. You know your way to the Great Hall right?"

"Oh yeah no problem. I will see you later. Bye." He said and exited the room. The portrait closed behind him.

 Hermione turned to Draco and said,"Malfoy you don't have to be so rude to him. He's new here."

"I saw the way he was looking at you. Better keep him in check Granger." He said while smirking at her.

"Anyway, we better go. See you in McGonagall's office." Hermione said and left the room.

Draco stood there for a while staring at the closed portrait that Hermione got out off a few moments ago. He didn't know why he had talked rudely to Mayfair. And moreover he didn't know why he had felt a bit of anger when he asked Granger to call him Andy. He didn't know why he felt a little protectiveness over her. He shrugged off his thoughts and went out of the room.


"Good morning 'Mione." Ginny said as Hermione made their way over to them and sat across from her and Harry.

"Morning Ginny." She said while drinking a sip from her pumpkin juice.

"Morning Hermy." Harry said while chuckling.

"Ugh Harry! How many times I have told you not to call me that." Hermione said while slapping his arm lightly. 

"I just like the name Grawp gave you." He said while winking at her.

"When did Grawp gave her this name?" Ginny asked them.

"Oh it was in our fifth year. I guess I didn't tell you about that. Remind me later to tell you Hermione's reaction when Hagrid told us that we have to teach him English." 

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