Ch 17

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 800+ views! Hope you guys liked the last chapter! Please tell me if the story is too predictable or boring, I would probably change things then. Thanks for reading this story. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!

Hermione and Andy were under a mistletoe. But, Draco thanked his luck, neither had noticed it yet. 

Draco was anxiously watching as the two of them danced underneath it. Hermione was laughing at something Andy said and he was watching her while smiling.

"Draco?" Blaise called him.

He didn't respond.

"You there, Draco?" This time it was Theo who called his name.

But still Draco didn't respond.

He stared at them with wide eyes as Andy slowly looked upwards. He was watching the mistletoe now. Hermione was yet to look upwards as she was currently busy laughing, not noticing the fact that there was something hanging above their heads.

Andy then looked down at her face. He was about to say something when Blaise snapped his fingers in front of Draco's face, breaking him out of his trance, and Draco couldn't have been more thankful for that. 

He looked at Blaise for a second, then back at Andy and ran on his full speed towards them. Before Andy could even utter a word, Draco reached there and pulled Hermione away from him.

"What the hell, Malfoy?" Andy asked angrily.

"Uh-uh...Hermione is looking for McGonagall." Draco said quickly.

"Wait what?" Hermione asked him with a confused expression.

"I mean that McGonagall is looking for you." Draco said.

"And pray tell, why would she be looking for her?" Andy asked him as he crossed his arms.

"B-because we are Head Students and she wanted to tell us something about the ball, I guess." Draco said, making up a story.

"Oh okay, then. I will be back in a few moments, Andy." Hermione said and walked away, after giving him a smile.

"I know what you are trying to do, Malfoy." Andy said before Draco could leave.

"Did the sun rose from West, today? Because Mayfair actually has a brain." Draco said.

Andy scowled at him and said, "You think you are better than me, Malfoy?" 

"I don't just think it. I know it." Draco smirked and walked away from him, leaving Andy standing there, and glaring at him.


"Where is McGonagall?" 

"I don't know. She may be with the other proffessors somewhere away from the dance area, I guess." Draco replied as they searched through the crowd for Mcgonagall.

"Where was she when she told you to call me there?" Hermione asked him.

"Uh...she was-Oh look, there she is!" Draco was saved from answering that as he suddenly spotted McGonagall talking to Madam Pomfrey near the snacks table.

"Let's go and see her, then." Hermione said and lead the way.


"Good evening, Headmistress McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey." Hermione and Draco greeted together.

"Good evening, Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy." McGonagall and Pomfrey greeted them. After a look from Headmistress McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey walked away after nodding at each one of them, leaving the three to talk.

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