Chapter 10

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Heirra barely made it in time. Apparently, Chrisia was also deep in sleep, which only happens rarely. Heirra remembered that there was a time she thought that Chrisia's a night owl. In reality, she's actually an early bird. This worries Heirra as the nightmares might have been the culprit to Chrisia's oversleeping.

'Chrisia's actually an early-bird in disguise. I think there's only one time she's overslept. And, today's the second time.'

Knowing she has no time to think about this anymore, and that she needs to interrogate the culprit from yesterday, she quickly headed inside of her office.

"I see. Without Chrisia, you're back to your own habits huh." Darwen said.

"No time to waste. Let's get this interrogation started."

Heirra went inside the interrogation room while Darwen and the other kept watch in another room adjacent to where she is.

"Let's finish this quickly."

"Let's start with your name."

"It's Mavis. Mavis Juerte."

"Tell me something. Why did you do that?"

Mavis stayed silent with regret in her face.

"I was given an offer. As you can see from my last name. I'm not from here. I was actually from another country. My parents were poor. I was about to enter college but didn't have the money to do so. On the day of my enrollment, someone suddenly paid for it. I was grateful and thought that the person was really kind. Unfortunately, I was wrong."

Mavis stopped. Tears were falling from her face.

"I was told to give my contact details. That's all. I didn't think much about it. And, well, one three years have passed and now. I was ready to find a job two months after my graduation when suddenly I received a call from an unknown number. It was the same person as the one who paid my enrollment. The person booked me a flight right away that I couldn't refuse not to go to. I was initially told to come here for a vacation. My hotel was ready already. The person even transferred enough money to last me for a week. I was enjoying my days when suddenly yesterday, I was told to follow a certain person. They didn't give me a name, just a picture. I have it with me."

Mavis took out a picture and gave it to Heirra.

"As I was saying, I just followed her. No more no less. It was a coincidence that I pushed her."

"Then how do you explain how that happened?"

"The thing is, I felt some woman hugging me. Well, her chest was. I felt embarrassed and it was my instinct. When the girl suddenly fell and almost caused an accident I felt guilty. I felt that I might be framed. I mean who the hell would give me this much money and benefit just to ask me to follow some girl."

"Well, you're right about being framed. Someone was using you. Mind giving us the number?"

"Sure but it might not ring anymore. I was suspicious yesterday and tried to call the number, yet it didn't ring anymore."

"It's fine just give us the number. Thank you. Well, we did rewind the CCTV and saw that everything was an accident so you're free to go. Just don't mention anything about this again as if nothing happened."

"Thank you, officer. I actually have a flight tomorrow."

Heirra got the number from Mavis and let her go. After Mavis left, the four had a meeting inside the office of Heirra.

"So she's telling the truth huh." Darwen said.

"We did ask the immigration about her and her travels. It's accurate enough." Redylyn said.

"I fear that our culprit is using random people for their plans by helping them at first. Who in their right mind would get some random girl from another country to do these so-called accidents." Heirra said while touching her forehead as if having a severe headache.

"It's a good thing that there ain't many cases in this particular city that you handle." Darwen said.

Heirra handles a major city which is Windford, and sometimes other cities would borrow her knowledge. After Heirra became the captain and the head of the homicide team, the criminality has dropped compared to before. Cases are being solved one after another. Of course, Heirra trained her officers, and for those who show potential, she recommended to the chief for promotion like what she did with Garth.

"At least every three years there is one particular case. In this case well, two years ago there was one. And, apparently, the case was closed even before I was promoted."

"And, it may be connected to this one right?" Blake said

"I mean why won't they just fire the four just like before. Remember they fired two employees right?" Darwen said.

" What if the two know something that the four don't? Plus, Chris and the others are still quite young unlike the previous two. I wonder if their gender plays a role."

"Know that you mention it." Darwen said.

"I'll look into the rumors and scandals regarding the CEO. It may play a big role." Blake said.

'The CEO is involved huh. I wonder what's his connection with the culprit. Is it possible that they have a relationship? But, why is the CEO depending on the police instead of doing something on his own. He has the power to do so. Is it blackmail?' Heirra thought.

"I'll dismiss you all. Stay with your respective victim to ensure their safety. Also, gather as much information on the CEO as much as possible. Don't be obvious. The real culprit might have his or her people around us."

Everyone left after they had been dismissed. Heirra went home as soon as possible.


"I'm back," Heirra said but nobody answered. She panicked and checked her room as well as Chrisia's room.


She started to check the kitchen followed by the terrace.


Heirra started to sweat. Feeling that something might happen to Chrisia. She can't explain this feeling. She doesn't like it. It's like it's swallowing her whole.


Heirra opened the bathroom and saw Chrisia, naked. Without thinking, she hugged her tight unwilling to let go. A few minutes had passed, and Heirra was still hugging Chrisia.

"It's getting cold." Chrisia broke the silence.

Heirra immediately let go of Chrisia. Heirra's eyes wandered, looking up and down while enjoying the view.

"Enjoying the view much?" Chrisia said with a grin.

Heirra feeling her face heat up. She left and closed the door behind her. She sat on the sofa.

'How soft the sofa is' She thought.

'Just like her BO- FUCK.'

Heirra's dirty thoughts caused her entire body to heat up. It's as if she's become horny. The feeling of wanting to touch Chrisia, that all her mind could think about.

Her Teasing attitude, her mood swings, and how good Chrisia handles her.

'Am I falling in love with her?'

That was her final thought before Chrisia's voice disrupted her.

Author Here!

I'll publish the rest tomorrow :))

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