Chapter 69

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Hey guys! I can't believe I'm saying this but you guys have made Mr Horan hit 100 K which is incredible! I can't thank you enough, I love you all so much rn! OMG AND GUYS I GOT NIALL'S AUTOGRAPH LIKE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT AND WOW I LOVE HIM LIKE 10000 X TIMES MORE LIKE HES SO AMAZING, okay im sorry rant over! Moral of the story; NEVER EVER GIVE UP! It will happen one day! Enjoy Chapter 69 ( ;) I'm so dirty minded haha)

*I love how annoying but cute Liam is to Niall because he loves him and how Niall just smiles because it's Liam and he loves his kisses really and aw their so cute my babies*

Niall's P.O.V

It's been a week since I told Liam about my big surprise of moving to America to start new. He has taken it good so far but the hardest thing has yet to come. I don't even know how to do it or even say it but its something we just can't avoid. Our goodbyes to the boys.

I told Liam that we should do it soon and we both agreed that today would be the day. I mean, it's got to be said sometime soon before we leave and I don't plan on saying it either the day we're leaving or the day before because well...that would break theirs and our hearts completely."The guys are coming in like half an hour" Liam says, sitting down beside me and I nod. He lets out a deep breath before cuddling into my side. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his temple. "The guys will understand baby, don't worry" I say, running my fingers through his soft hair. I miss his old curls when it comes to running my hands through his hair but I think his haircut now really suits him.

"I'm going to have a bath before the guys come, you want to join me or have a separate one?" I ask, kinda hoping he wants to have one with me. I like the company and the cuddles in the warm bath. I also love how when I put bubble bath in it, he always makes a santa beard and pretends to be santa. And no, it was not my idea with the bubble bath but of course I wasn't going to say no to a pouting puppy face Liam. I wish I could but no, he never fails to make me crave into his own decision. I kinda like them anyway, it reminds me of when I was little and used to be a pirate in the bath. I guess now the only difference is I have my one and only to share it with.

"Of course I want to have a bath with you, silly" he says, sticking out his tongue at me. I shake my head at him before getting up from the couch, causing a groan to escape Liam's mouth. "What?" I ask, turning around quickly to Liam. Did I hurt him getting up? Is he alright? "I was cozy and you moved" he says, pouting and I let out a deep breath before grabbing a pillow and hitting him on the head. "Owh what was that for?" He asks, giving me a confused look. I shake my head at him before dropping the pillow "I thought I hurt you, idiot" I say, pouting at him. He laughs before standing up and wrapping his arms around me. I don't react though, making him squeeze me more. "You know I love you really babe" he whispers, lying his head on my shoulder.

It's so hard not to return his hug and kiss him but no, I need to stand my ground. He can't scare me like that. I really thought I hurt him there and that's the last thing I ever want to do. I love him so much. I laugh softly, turning my head. "Do you really?" I ask, half serious. My emotions are all over the place at the moment because of paperwork and the thought of quitting work and packing and all this moving business. They are starting to overwhelm me now and I don't like it. I feel Liam pull away from me and I feel my heart break. can't be true. He doesn't love me?

I look down at the ground, biting my lip as I feel tears come to my eyes. His arms are no longer around me and the feeling leaves me cold. I was only joking but is he being serious? Does he really not love me? I feel a hand on my cheek, making me look up. I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. He's going to laugh and leave now. I feel his thumb wipe away my tear and watch as he smiles softly at me. I am so confused right now and my beating heart is not helping me. " Niall, I love you more than anything in the world. Never think I don't. I'll love you till my grave, and that's a promise" he says and I feel my chest ease and I can finally breathe again.

"I'm sorry" I say, hugging him quickly. I hold him closer than ever, no space between us at all. "C'mon babe, let's go have that bath" he whispers and I nod. I'm about to move but then I feel my feet being lifted off the ground. I don't even argue with him this time to let me down, I just cuddle into his chest more. I can hear his beating heart in my ear and it makes me smile. Liam loves me. Why did I even doubt his love? I hear the taps running so I stand down from Liam's arms. I let Liam strip me of my clothes because honestly I'm really tired. I've had so much paperwork and with sorting out our new house in America.

"Come here" Liam says and I look up to see him, completely naked and already in the bath with his arms open. I try not to look at his privates as I know it will cause a big problem for my privates. His body never fails to make me twitch down there. I sit in between his legs and lean back on Liam's chest. I can feel Liam junior at my thighs and I try my best to ignore it. "I'll shampoo you first babe, just relax alright?" Liam says and I nod and let him wash my hair. I let out a small moan as he massages my head and I could swear I could feel Liam junior beside me twitch. Good to know I'm not the only one..

After I wash Liam's hair and we wash our own bodies, we have our bubble bath time. "You look very sexy with that beard, I must admit" I say, laughing at Liam. He wiggles his bubble eyebrows before laughing too. "I agree but I think it would look much better on you" he says, winking and before I know it, he grabs my face and kisses me messy, making all the bubbles stick on my face. When he pulls away, I squint my eyes at him, giving him an evil look but he just bursts out laughing again. "You look like a Chinese man when you do that" he says, breathless. I shake my head at him but end up laughing along like I usually do with Liam. God, I'm in love with an idiot.

When I finally manage to get Liam out of the bath, I dry us up and turn to get another towel for Liam. "No Ni, we can share." Liam says, taking the towel I just used from me. I give him a confused look before shaking my head. "If you think I'm going to wa-" I say but get interrupted when Liam puts the towel around my body and pulls me closer to him. My eyes widen as our bodies come in contact with each other completely and I bite my lip when I feel our members against each other. "See" he says, smirking at me before winking. "Now how do you plan on walking?" I say, laughing when Liam's face drops.

"We shuffle to the room at the same time, look copy me" he says and starts to the door. I move my feet at the same speed as Liam. I can't believe I'm actually following this fools instructions, only because I love him I swear. We are in the middle of the hallway when Liam freezes and his cheeks turn a bright red. I turn my head to see what he's staring at and there stands Zayn with his eyes wide and cheeks red Louis is too busy laughing at us..."Whoops" Liam says, shrugging at me. "You know you's two really do make the perfect couple. You's are both idiots" Louis says, his face red from laughing. This is awkward.

"Uhm, we'll be back in a minute, please feel free to sit in the sitting room and watch tv" I say,turning to Liam and burying my head in his shoulder with embarrassment. When they finally leave, I drag Liam to the bedroom and lock the door. I stare at him and he stares back before hitting my side with the towel. "Liam!" I shout as I feel my side sting. He just laughs and I quickly get him back before going to get changed. I can't believe what just happened. Why does every embarrassing thing happen to me?

When we finally go back into the sitting room, Zayn and Louis are just talking on the couch. Louis is smiling as he listens to some story he's telling It's obvious he's not really listening instead lost in Zayn, It's actually cute how much he looks like hes in love. Liam comes and stands beside me before intertwining our hands together to tell them the big news. "Guys we have something to tell you's" Liam says and looks at me, smiling.

                                                               "We're moving to America."

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now