Chapter 23

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hello :) I want to thank all you guys! 10 k reads! Holy....not going to finish my sentence haha! But wow I love you guys so much! So that is why I am updating faster! Yayy for you guys! And also because I think I did a pretty shitty job on chapter 22 but you guys seemed to like it anyway! Here is Chapter 23 for my amazing people! :) :) :) *Cute picture on the side :') oh my Niam heart <3

Liam's P.O.V

Zayn knows. Zayn Malik, my worst fear knows about me and Niall. And since it is Zayn who found out, the whole school will know soon enough. I know him too well and I know he is not going to keep this secret to himself. But how did he found out? Me and Niall made sure to be really careful around people and I thought we were. We obviously weren't careful enough though. This is so bad. Niall is going to get fired and.....he might go to jail. It's against the law for a student and teacher to be in a relationship. No, I cant let this happen...Niall is too good to be stuck in a jail cell for god knows how long.

"What do we do now?" I whisper, afraid to hear my voice out loud. Niall looks at me sadly and shrugs his shoulders."What can we do?" he says, looking down at the ground. My heart aches seeing him this upset. He should never have to be sad and now because of me, he is. I really wish he didn't have to meet me. If we didn't meet, he wouldn't be upset right now. He wouldn't of ran into the school after me and nearly die. I would've been dead, what I always wanted to be. And right now, I want it more than ever. This is all my fault.

Do I even have the right to live anymore? I just ruined a person's entire life. He's going to lose his job that he loves and he's going to be put in a jail cell for doing nothing. He's going to jail because he loved me. I don't realize until I feel his hand on my cheek, that I'm crying. I just ruined his life and yet he still stands in front of me, wiping my tears away. That just proves how weak I really am and how strong he really is. "Sssh its alright babe" he says, pulling me into his arms. I look over his shoulder just in case there is anyone but we're at the side of the school and most students have gone home. It doesn't matter anyway, everyone is going to know soon enough.

"Lets just go home and forget all about this, yeah babe?" he asks, kissing my cheek. I nod, not trusting my voice at this time. He goes to the corner and takes a quick look to see if there is anyone still around. I go beside him and look too. It's just the fire brigade and the principal left. The rest were sent home, including the teachers. "Pretend to cry and shake" Niall says and I give him a confused look but do what he says anyway. He wraps his arm around my shaking shoulders and guides me over to his car. "Oh Mr Horan, are you alright?" the principal shouts over to Niall. "Ah yes, Mr Burns, I am alright, its just Liam here who is still a bit shaken up but I'm bringing him to his parents right now" Niall says and I now understand why he wanted me to cry and shake.

Mr Burns starts walking over to us as I lean against Niall, scared. "Act cool" Niall whispers before Mr Burns comes over. "I just want to say how amazing that was. Even though, I told nobody to go near the school and you disobeyed me, I will let it go. If you didn't do what you did, Liam wouldn't be standing where he is right now." Mr Burns says, smiling at me. If only he knew I wish I wasn't standing here. "I did what anyone would do if they were in my position." Niall says, saying as if it wasn't a big thing and that he didn't just run into a burning building and nearly die to save me. He gives us both a quick nod. "I will let you go Mr Horan and take this poor fella home, is he alright?" Mr Burns asks, looking at me. I just nod quickly. "He's still a bit shaky about all of it but he doesn't have any major injury's if that's what you mean." Niall says, his arm on my shoulder tighten against me. "Oh good, I'm really glad you are taking good care of him Mr Horan, he looks like he needs care at this time. I will let you's go and I will text you Mr Horan about further details of the school. Until then, it will be cancelled. Have a good day" Mr Burns says and walks away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I think we should win an award for best acting" he whispers in my ear, laughing. He opens the car door for me and I carefully get in. My body still hurts but its bearable. I wonder how Niall really is? He is obviously hurting after all that happened today and is just pretending to be ok for me. "Are you alright Ni? Really.." I ask. He looks at me before nodding. "I'm fine, my legs just hurt a bit and my back but I'm ok, are you?" he says, looking worried. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine, ankle just hurts a bit and my shoulder" I say quietly. "We'll look at them when we get home" he says, smiling at me and placing his free hand on my knee. I put my hand in his and squeeze it softly. "We'll be ok Liam....we have each other" he says, a smile on his face. As much as I wish it was true, I know deep down that more trouble awaits us. But hey, Niall's right, we got each other and with Niall by my side, I can do anything. And I know for sure, I'm not giving up this boy without a fight.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now