Chapter 37

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Hello :) Thank you all so much for everything guys, you's are amazing! I posted Ghost and I really would appreciate if you guys checked it out, voted, commented to tell me what you think or whatever. Pretty please. Anyway, I am very sorry about my slow updates! I've been at my best friends house for idk how long and I've been having fun with her and that so I didnt really have time to write! Sorry ! But here is Chapter 37 for you guys! :)

Niall's P.O.V

Last night was undescriable. For once, I was a bottom. And I kinda loved it. Liam surprised me a lot yesterday. First by remembering our anniversary, I thought he had forgotten but it turns out he had a lot in store for me. Second by getting rid of the cute, curly haired Liam and replacing it with the sexy, hot Liam, like wow he really pulls off this new hot look. And lastly by changing our sex position. I always thought I would top because I'm the older one but I think Liam does a better job than me.

I wake up to Liam's lips on mine. I open my eyes slowly and meet his brown eyes. He pulls away, smiling. At first, I was shocked because it completly slipped my mind about his new haircut so I was suprised to not see the bits of curls dangling down his forehead. "Good morning beautiful" Liam whispers, kissing my lips softly. I smile into the kiss and pull away. "I love you Liam and I just want to say that last night was incredible" I say, pecking his lips. "I love you too and I agree. It was amazing" he says, rolling over beside me and cuddling into me.

"We should really get up and start packing for tomorrow" I say, kissing Liam's temple. He looks up and a look of terror is in his eyes. "Babe, you know I won't let him near you, I love you and I promise nothing will come between us, okay?" I say, reassurring him. And it's the truth. I wont let my monster of a dad hurt my Liam. Never.

"Okay" Liam says, kneeling and kissing my lips. He gets up and wanders somewhere, probably to get the suitcases that are in his old room.The spare room now. Five minutes later, he returns with two large suitcases. I throw the duvets off me and try to get up fast but I quickly sit down when a burning pain spreads through my bum. So this is what it feels like for a bottom. Ouch.

"You ok babe?" Liam says, walking over to me and holding my side. I nod quickly and he gives me a confused look. "My arse feels like it's on fire, thats all" I say and he laughs. "Believe me babe, I know the feeling dont worry" he says, lifting me up gently, keeping his hands on my hips. I connect our lips slowly, moving my head to the side to give him more access. He deepens the kiss by brushing his tongue against mine. We pull away after a few minutes, breathless.

"Lets pack" He says, turning around and picking up mine and his suitcase's. I thank him silently because I know if I had to bend down and pick it up, I wouldnt be getting up soon. He walks over to our dressers and pulls out all our clothes. We sort through what we need and what we don't need like summer shorts because it's winter and Liam folds them in neatly since he is the neatest out of us two. I would've just thrown them all in and not give a damn.

After me and Liam zip them up and put them on the ground, my belly lets out a loud rumble. "Someone's hungry" Liam says, laughing. I pout at him and stretch my arms out. He lets out a heavy sigh before walking over to me and lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his hips and bury my face into his shoulder. He smells good. "And your the older one?" Liam asks, laughing.

"Shut up" I mumble into his shoulder. I feel him unwrap his arms from my bum."Ok, lift's up." he says, trying to shake me off but I stick to him like a koala. I can feel myself sliding down his body, slowly so I try to move myself up. His chest vibrates against my chest because of his laughing."Babe, your going to pull my sweats down." he shouts, grabbing the tops of his sweats

"I dont really mind to be honest" I say, laughing. I let go slightly, sliding a bit down of his body. "Niall, I swear move anymore and they will be on the ground along with your bum" he says, laughing. I wiggle my bum and sure enough,I look down to see Liam's sweats at his ankles. "Niall you dirty little Irish man" he says, shaking his head, a slight blush on his cheeks. Maybe because he is standing butt naked with me clinging onto his body.

"Okay but really get off, my bum's getting cold." Liam says, laughing. I laugh and let go, standing up. "So Liam, did you hammer Ni-EW"  I look over Liam's shoulder to see Louis, his hands covering all his face. I burst out laughing as Liam quickly pulls up his sweats, a deep red shade covering his face. "Because I really love walking into my best mate's house and seeing a butt crack in the morning" Louis says, laughing. I laugh with him as Liam quickly hides his face. "But seriously guys, is this a tradition now? Everytime I walk through the door, I see something I really wish I didnt see" Louis says, laughing and shaking his head at us. Me and Liam just look at each other before laughing. "I guess it is" Liam says.

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