Chapter 52

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Hey guys! I'm really going to try and update earlier for you guys! I hate how inactive I am on this story so I'm promising you guys I will try my best to update frequent! Thank you to everyone reading, I'm still in shock over this story tbh and I don't think I will ever believe it! It's so unreal! Thank you so much, you's guys are the best! Honestly! I love every single one of you's! 💕💕 50 K OMG YOU GUYS IM SO HAPPY! THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH

Liam's P.O.V

After an amazing Christmas with the Horan's, it's time for Niall and I to go back to Wolverhampton. Its seems like forever since I've been home but really it's only been a week. And what a crazy week that was. I thought this holiday would be what we needed after the whole fire, harry's suicide and Zayn thing but turns out luck isn't on our side anywhere it goes. It just follows me I guess. It wasn't all bad, I mean everyone supports Niall and I, well except one person but we don't need to worry about him. In a way, I feel sorry that Bobby had to die. I mean I know the guy hated my entire guts and gave me a pretty nasty swollen jaw but I still think he didn't deserve to die.Niall on the other hand is glad he's gone although I can sense deep down he really misses his dad. Because I know I do and even though he's not really dead, he's dead in my life now.

I haven't heard from them since Niall took me away from them which I guess is good but do they really not care for me at all? Not even a little bit? Wait, why am I even thinking about this? He doesn't care Liam and you shouldn't either. I shake my head from the thoughts and wipe my eyes from any tears. I look to my left at a still sleeping Niall. I know I have to wake him but he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I stroke his hair gently. I love him so much.Just being here in the silence, in his bed, together. It's the best feeling in the world. Being with him is the best feeling I could ever feel. I lean and peck his lips. "Do not try take advantage of me when I sleep" he mumbles in his morning voice when I pull away. I laugh at him as he opens one of his eyes at me and sticks his tongue out.

"Good morning beautiful" I say, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer to me. He squirms in my arms before moving down and lying his head on the top of my chest. "Good morning babe" he says in his extremely hot morning voice. "Fuck Niall, you're morning voice is the sexiest thing ever" I say, biting my lip. If he keeps it up, we might have a slight problem. He lifts his head up and wiggles his eyebrows at me. He moves up closer to my face until his mouth is at my ear. "Oh is it really Liam?" he whispers, making me bite my lip. I feel him start to kiss my neck and suck on it so I know I need to get up now. I quickly move him over and jump out of bed. "What's wrong Liam?" Niall asks, pretending he did nothing.

I cover my hands over my boxers which have turned into a tent and Niall looks down, his mouth open. "Did I make Liam junior excited?" he says in an overly excited voice. I groan in embarrassment. "Yes, you did and now you're going to fix it since you caused it" I say smirking, leaning against the bathroom door frame. Niall quickly fumbles to untangle the bed sheets which he is tangled too and runs over to me, pushing me into the bathroom quickly. "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go" he sings before going down on his knees.

After possibly the best blowjob of my life, Niall and I decide to get dressed and get something to eat as we are leaving soon. Niall bounces down the stairs happily and I follow him down the same. What a great morning! "Good morning" Niall shouts, scaring Greg who sits at the table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. "Somebody's in a good mood this morning" Greg says, holding his chest. "Good morning boys, breakfast is nearly ready" Denise says from her place at the cooker. "Did you do this?" Greg asks, pointing over to a hyper, Irish dancing Niall. I start laughing like a crazy person when I see him for no reason and soon enough, he is pulling me over to join him. "Oh no, we're staying with maniacs" I hear Greg say to Denise who laughs.

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