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to say jungeun was mad was an understatement—she was livid.

"what the hell is wrong with you?"

jungeun said with venom in her voice. she thought about going off on minju right there in front of everyone in that restaurant, but no. jinsoul was her main priority at the moment. she needed to make sure the older was alright before doing anything else. jungeun pushed minju roughly bumping into her shoulder making the girl trip back a bit.

she got into her car and rushed over to jinsoul's apartment not even stopping at traffic lights. her fingers start to turn white from how hard she was holding the steering wheel, but did that bother her? of course not. making sure jinsoul knew how much she was loved was the only thing jungeun could think of. rain started to come from the sky making this night even worse. jungeun hated the rain so much.

she pulled into the apartment complex to see jinsoul sitting on the sidewalk crying softly. her heart dropped at the sight—jinsoul looked so defeated. jungeun walked up to the woman, but jinsoul tried to get away from her. the younger grabbed her wrist to make sure she wouldn't get away without hearing her true feelings.

"get off jungeun! don't you get it? i'm not supposed to be with you! i'm not some millionaire or a daughter of a rich family! i'm a single mom just trying to get by in the world!" jinsoul screamed as the rain come down harder. she desperately wanted to get out of jungeun's grip, but it was getting tighter.

"exactly! you are doing your absolute best at making sure haeun is cared for! you make sure that little boy knows his mama loves him! jinsoul i don't give a shit what my father says. you are the only one i want to put time into! i wanted to give haeun all my love as well!"

"i used to hate the idea of falling in love with someone, but now i've found you. no matter how hard i tried to fight it, i couldn't. there's no one who can ever take you away from me. i'll ditch my company if it means i can give you and haeun all the love in the world. so please, just let me in your heart."

jinsoul felt so many emotions hitting her at once, but the only one she could truly make out was love. she was so utterly in love with jungeun and that was clear now. her heart was racing at this point as jungeun wipes tears off of the older's face. jinsoul presses her lips against jungeun's while the rain poured—like a scene out of a movie. they were meant to be and jinsoul realized that now. jungeun would give up everything to still be around haeun; jinsoul wanted someone in her life that cared about her son that much.

the two women were interrupted by haeun hugging their legs like he always does. he beamed a smile at them letting the rain drench his clothes. usually jinsoul would rush him inside so he wouldn't get a cold, but right now she just wanted to give jungeun a million kisses. jinsoul picked up the boy and hugged him tightly with a smile on her face. jungeun joined the hug and kissed haeun's head softly making jinsoul's heart melt. there was no place she'd rather be then here with these two.

jungeun decided to visit her father to tell him about the called off engagement, but to also tell him that he can't dictate her life anymore. she was terrified, but knew that jinsoul and haeun needed her to do this. they couldn't get hurt because of her father—she wouldn't allow it.

she sat across from him at his desk hands folded in her lap. "father, i have called off the engagement with minju." she saw his eye slightly twitch, but still kept her composure. there was no way she was going to leave her without telling her father off. "kim jungeun if that woman has manipulated you so help-"

"father stop! that woman's name is jinsoul and she doesn't care about my money! she didn't even know who i was until she started working for me! i understand that mother left you heartbroken and took half of your money.. but that doesn't mean jinsoul will! she's loving and caring. i'm truly sorry about what mother did to our family, but that doesn't give you the right to dictate mine! i love this woman and her son! if i have to step down as ceo.. so be it!"

her father sat there stunned as jungeun poured everything out. his daughter had never stood up to him before and quite frankly he felt proud of her. after all these years feeling bitter about his divorce..he realized taking it out on his daughters was so unhealthy.

"i'm sorry jungeun. you are right..i should have never taken out my frustration on you or hyunjin. if this jinsoul truly makes you happy.. i won't force you into a marriage you won't be happy in. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." he said with a sincere tone in his voice. jungeun got up and hugged her father tight like she used to when she was younger.

"i forgive you father. i know you just were heartbroken from mother's departure after all these years. you should contact hyunjin though.. she hasn't been in contact with you for almost 3 years. i want us to be a family again."

"i want us to be a family again too."

only 1 chapter left! i wanted jungeun to make amends with her father for so long and now it finally happened!

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