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jungeun sat in her office staring at the drawing that haeun had given her with a smile on her face. she felt an enormous amount of love swelling in her heart just seeing the picture. suddenly jinsoul's bright smile popped in her head and her heart started to beat faster. maybe she really was falling in love with her.

she wondered what her mother was doing right now—maybe she has a new family and a daughter she can be proud of.

"uh, miss kim, are you going to be leaving soon?" jinsoul asked peeking her head into the woman's office. "oh yeah, sorry. let me just turn the lights off and i'll be there." jinsoul nodded before walking out. jungeun grabbed her things and headed the elevator where jinsoul was waiting for her. the two rode down in silence like they normally do.

they walked to their cars as the moon shined bright. "uh, jinsoul.." jungeun said making the older woman turn to look at her. "yes?" she asked with her head tilted. the older woman looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight and it almost made jungeun's heart stop. "would it be alright if i took you to dinner some time?" jinsoul stared at her in surprise, but soon gave her a smile. "alright."

jinsoul pressed a chaste kiss against jungeun's lips before getting into her car. she pulled out and drove away leaving jungeun in shock. she touched her lips softly looking up at the stars. a smile found it's way onto jungeun's face and she felt so much happiness.

"haeun can you tell jungeun what you did at school today?" jinsoul said as they sat on the floor coloring. jungeun made sure to come over every tuesday & wednesday night so that she could see the little boy—and he loved it. "i had show & tell! i brought kim lip and everyone loved her!" haeun gushed hugging the bear. "that's great," she said rubbing his head.

jinsoul smiled at the two and gave kisses to haeun's cheeks. he giggled as his mom hugged him along with jungeun. "mama can jungeun live with us?" he abruptly asked making them stare at each other in shock. "baby, jungeun already has somewhere to live." he pouted but jungeun squished his cheeks. "don't be sad."

jungeun walked into her office thursday morning to have the shock of her life right in front of her. there he was, her father, sitting in one of the chairs. she watched in shock as he looked at a newspaper scratching his face.

"jungeun, come sit." she immediately obliged and took a seat next to him—not even at her own desk. "why is there newspapers reporting that you have cheated on minju with some mystery woman all over korea?" he asked sternly slamming the newspaper on the table. on the front cover was jungeun and jinsoul kissing in the parking lot which made her wince. "i love her father."

"who is she?" he asked with his stern voice. jungeun felt her hands shake just hearing him after all these years. "s-she's my assistant. she has a son." her father stood up straight and let out a heartless laugh. "jungeun i kicked your sister out for dating some poor girl. we have a status to live up to. you must cut off any romantic ties with that woman if you still want to be the ceo of this business." jungeun felt her heart break hearing those words.

"b-but father-" jungeun was cut off by him standing up. "you are announcing your engagement to the media today. if i find out you are still with this woman, i will take this company away from you jungeun. do you understand me?" she nodded her head and with that he walked out of her office. she felt tears rolling down her cheeks just thinking about how jinsoul would feel. haeun would be crushed not being able to see her again.

jungeun ignored jinsoul as much as she could the rest of the day—feeling her heart break slowly. jinsoul occasionally would bring paperwork into her office with a smile on her face, but jungeun ignored it. she noticed the frowns every time from the older woman.

jinsoul didn't understand what was wrong—but she just assumed that jungeun was having a bad day. jinsoul asked yves if she knew what was wrong, but she was clueless. she couldn't help but feel worried for jungeun. her phone buzzed in her pocket taking her out of her thoughts.

i am staying late tonight. please do not wait up for me anymore.

she read the text from jungeun and instantly frowned. don't wait up for me anymore? jinsoul read the last part a few times feeling her heart break every time. did i do something wrong? she thought to herself trying not to let any tears fall. jinsoul never cried—the last time she ever cried was when haeun was born.

she finished out her shift and headed home with her heart feeling heavy. something definitely felt off with jungeun, but she wasn't sure what it was. jinsoul walked into her apartment and was met with haeun hugging her leg like he normally does. she picked her up and gave him a big hug along with kisses.

jiwoo sat on the couch playing with bom as jinsoul & haeun sat down next to her. "was work alright today jinsoul?" jiwoo asked with a concerned voice. she could always sense when something was wrong with the woman. "yeah, everything was fine." jinsoul gave her a smile while turning the news on. she didn't expect to see jungeun's face on it—not like this.

"Kim Jungeun announces engagement with fashion designer Choi Minju."

jinsoul felt everything crumble inside just hearing that. suddenly anger bubbled up inside her while haeun move to sit on jiwoo's lap. she ran to her bedroom and slammed the door pulling out her phone. she dialed jungeun's number immediately.


"what the hell did i just see on the news?"


"no don't. how long have you been with her?"

"2 years.. but i don't love her."

"you expect me to believe that? "

"it's the truth! it was just business!"

"i quit jungeun. you lead me on when you were dating someone else. i actually was starting to believe you were a good person.. but i was wrong."

she hung up the phone and felt tears stream down her face. "mama.. are you okay?" haeun walked in her bedroom with a quiet voice. when he saw her crying his eyes widened. he's never seen her cry before which made him start crying too. "mama please don't cry!" he hugged her as jiwoo stood at the door. jinsoul cried into haeun's chest as her held her close.

"i love you mama," he whispered to her as he rubbed her back. "mama loves you too." the two remained silent as little sniffs cake from jinsoul.

"i think it's time we visit grandma and grandpa."

well what a chapter that was! i feel like i rushes things a bit too much, but hopefully you guys don't mind :((
stay tuned for more!

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