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"miss jung i'm so glad to see you this morning." jungeun remarked as jinsoul walked in her office with a stack of paperwork. the older woman ignored her sky remark as she sat the stack on her desk. "it's my absolute pleasure to be here ms. jungeun." jinsoul gave her a fake smile before heading towards the door.

"i need you to stay late tonight. i've got a meeting until 9 tonight that you need to be at." jungeun said as she scanned the paperwork. "that's when i tuck my son into bed ms. kim. i'm sorry, but i can't stay that late." she crossed her arms at the woman at the desk.

"it wasn't an option jinsoul. he's just going to have to be tucked in by the babysitter. it shouldn't be that big of a deal." jungeun looked up at her with a blank expression on her face. jinsoul felt her blood boiling, but she remained calm for haeun's sake. "fine," she gritted out as she stormed out of the office. jinsoul sat down at her desk placing her face in her hands.

"excuse me, miss jung?" a voice called out to her, but jinsoul was in no mood to talk to anyone. "yes?" she bitterly asked as she looked up to see a short haired woman. "my name is yves, i was just going to introduce myself. i'm happy to be working with you." the woman gave jinsoul a smile which surprises her.

"oh, well, it's nice to meet you too yves. i'm really not fond to be working here though," jinsoul muttered out running her hand through her hair. "i hope you get used to working here. you are lucky to be working so close to ms. kim. she's picky on her personal assistants." yves smiled at jinsoul who rolled her eyes.

"well i need to head back to my spot. have a good rest of your day jinsoul." yves walked away from the desk as jinsoul looked up at the clock which read 9:45 AM. she slammed her head on the desk wishing this day would be over soon. "someone please kill me."

she pulled out her phone to text jiwoo about the unfortunate meeting she has to stay for

to : jiwoo <3

i'm gonna be here past 9 tonight so i need you to attempt to tuck haeun in bed. i'm sorry you have to stay so late on a monday night.

from : jiwoo <3

alright jin, i got you! please don't work yourself to death! fighting!

jinsoul put her phone in her pocket sighing out. haeun really was going to be upset that she wasn't going to tuck him into bed tonight and that made her heart break. there's no way he was going to be okay with that. why did something like this happen to her?

"thank you for staying late tonight jinsoul. you should get off at normal time the rest of the week." jungeun stepped into the elevator with jinsoul who had an exhausted look on her face. the older woman remained silent as jungeun stared at her from the side. jinsoul wasn't used to any of this yet so it was taking a toll on her.

when the elevator opened, jinsoul rushed out so that she could get home to haeun. jungeun grabbed her hand before she could leave the building making jinsoul look at her confused. "don't let your child get in the way of work miss jung. i don't want you getting distracted."

"i'm sorry ms. kim but don't bring my son into this. unlike you, i have a heart and love spending time with him. you've taken that away from me so don't ever speak about him ever again." jinsoul snatched her arm out of her grasp and walked straight out. jungeun glared in her direction shaking her head.

mama bear just came out wow! i hope you guys are enjoying this story! don't be afraid to comment :))

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