Chapter 6

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"So Casey how was the movie?" My older brother Shane asked as he walked home. He looked almost exactly like my father, with the same curly brown hair and grey eyes. They both had a few freckles scattered across their faces, and they were both unnaturally tall. Then there was me... even my mother had brown hair. I got my dirty blond hair from my grandma, but I stuck out in every family picture because of it.
"It was okay I guess," I shrugged smiling.
"You picked the movie out and you just think of it as okay? If it wasn't your birthday we would have been watching Sharknado or Godzilla," Shane complained teasingly.
"At home. I got us out of the house," I countered.
"Quit arguing," My father mumbled a few feet behind us. "It's giving me a headache."
"We're just having fun," Shane told my father with an innocent smile. We were never in the city -it was actually more like a small town, but it was still bigger than our home in the country- much so it was hard to fight at all while we were there. And then there was the fact Shane and I almost never fought even at home.
"Where are all the stars?" I asked confused as I looked into the pitch black sky.
"Hiding," Shane joked. "They only like our family,"
"Or there is a storm coming," My father always had to state the less fun option. I was about to object when a raindrop hit my nose causing me to let out a surprised squeak.
"Scared of rain now?" Shane laughed. He won a hard smack on the arm for that.
"No, I'm just not fond of getting wet," I replied arrogantly. I spotted a store that was still open a few yards away and started to make a run for it. Just as I was passing the building right before it though I noticed someone in the small ally between the shops. He looked almost Shane's age. He was unbelievably pale which made his already jet black hair look even darker. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was shaking from the cold. "Um... are you okay?" I asked taking a step towards him. Then he opened his eyes and let out another squeak. He had golden eyes, which would be scary on any normal person of course, but the rest of his eyes frightened me more. The white part of his eyes were black, and the pupils were white. He gave me a wicked half smile, one that made my blood turn to ice. Then he moved so quickly he was only a blur, and the next thing I knew was thrown to the ground. Me was next to me with a brick in his hand.
"Bye," was the only word he said and it was emotionless, like he was a robot. He raised the brick ready to smash it into my head, and then Shane appeared out of thin air and tackled him off me. I scrambled to my feet and looked to where Shane was lying on the ground fighting the monster, and it was winning.
"Shane!" I cried as I started forward wanting to help him, but my father came up next to me and held me back.
"Casey go find help," he told me trying to sound calm. I hesitated. "Now!" then I ran to the nearest open store, a coffee shop.
"Help! Please help!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I ran in.
"What is it? What's wrong?" an older man asked from the table he was serving.
"Someone is attacking my father and brother. You have to help me please!" I begged as I broke down into sobs. The man pulled out a cell phone and dialed 911 as he asked me to take him to where they were. We dashed back to where I had left them, the rain was coming down harder now, when we got there I skidded to a halt becoming a statue. They both laid on the ground, motionless. There was no sign indicating that they were alive even at least a little. Both had huge gashes on the side of their heads, and crimson red liquid stained the sidewalk. "No," I whispered to myself, my voice shaking. "No, no, no, no, no," I let myself sink to the wet sidewalk. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't fair...
I shot awake in bed, warm tears still running down my cheeks. "Only a dream," I told myself as I got out of bed wiping the tears away, but it wasn't. It happened three years ago on my thirteenth birthday. I pulled a white sweater out of my drawer as well as a pair of dark jeans. After I got that on I put my hair in a bun and headed downstairs. "Morning mom," I greeted her as I bounded into the kitchen.
"Why so happy this morning?" my mother questioned me, smiling.
"I don't know," I shrugged as I poured a bowl of cheerios. I did know of course, but I didn't feel like telling her. I would get to see Josh at school. -As I was going down the stairs I had decided to forget about my dream and have a good day.- I finished the cereal in a second, and then once I put the bowl in the sink I grabbed my book bag and ran out the door shouting, "Bye mom!" over my shoulder. I reached the bus stop in no time and Jen was in her normal spot waiting.
"Hi," she smiled as I ran up. How was she always such a morning person?
"Hey," I replied a little less enthusiastically. As Jen babbled on like normal I noticed that I kept looking down the street for the bus. Calm down I mentally told myself.
"Morning guys," Jen and I both jumped at the sudden voice, but the shock didn't last long we both knew who it was.
"Josh!" we shouted, both very excited now.
"Don't scare us. We could have had a heart attack... right Casey?" Jen looked for my support as she found reasons to yell at him even early in the morning.
"Yup, we almost died," I stated in the most serious voice I could manage while nodding.
"Jeez, girls, always so overdramatic," Josh aimed all his teasing at Jen... who was the main source of the problem momentarily.
"Hey!" I made sure to sound supper offended. "That is not true."
"She's right," Jen said, matter of factly.
"Sorry you two can't handle the truth," he shrugged nonchalantly. We were all laughing hysterically by the time the bus pulled up. As we got on Everyone in the back, the crowd that always surrounded him, stared at us with shocked or confused or even angry expressions. Josh held my hand and lead me to the seat he normally sat in by himself.
"Uh..." I turned to see Jen looking uncomfortable by our normal seat. I stood trying to figure out what to do for a second. I looked from her then to Josh.
"What do I do?" I mouthed. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I didn't want to leave Josh either. He smiled his half smile and leaned close to me so only I could hear him.
"You can sit by her if you want," he told me chuckling. Then in a more serious voice he went on, "but remember Casey, it's better if we don't talk to her much."
"Me too?" I was confused. I wasn't cursed.
"If you keep on hanging out with her. I keep hanging out with her... but she's in more danger," He reminded me a bit upset now. I had to stop myself from making a remark that would get him mad. I wouldn't believe he would hurt her, but I mean I still didn't know much about the curse.
"Okay," It was better I guess if I left her now. If the curse for Josh was like Sara's then she would be in danger. And just like he wouldn't leave me, I refused to leave him. I followed him the rest of the way to his seat. I winced a little when I heard Jen's quiet sad sign.
"Who's she?" a guy asked as we sat down. He looked tough. He had pale skin, brown hair, matching brown eyes, and the muscles on his arms probably meant he liked weightlifting. Oh... and the skull tattoo on his neck was a bit creepy.
"This is Casey," He seemed so relaxed... HOW? I noticed a few guys staring at me like they were thinking of asking me out. I guess Josh noticed too. "and she's my girlfriend." he aimed the statement at the cluster of guys who were staring at me. I realized Jen had been listening. Her eyes widened in surprise and her jaw dropped open. I wished I could explain to her that I didn't want to not be friends anymore, but it was better that way.
"so how long have you been here?" the first guy asked me.
"a month or two," I replied acting calm. I actually was pretty good at it. The questions continued and as they went on I was able to relax more and more. I could deal with living like this... my gaze darted to Jen for a split second... I could. I would.

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