Chapter 4

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A month later

I sat on the floor of Jen's humongous living room while we played truth or dare. We had a party every weekend now almost. The first was paintball, the second Call of Duty (that's when I realized my friends were sort of crazy... the amount of cursing and actual fighting was scary), the third everyone else went to the movies to watch a rated R movie (which I'm not allowed to see) so Josh stayed behind with me and tried to teach me how to survive Call of Duty (and although I practiced for two hours I still died pretty much as soon as the game started), and now it was something unusually calm, Truth or Dare.
"What's was the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" Jen showed me no mercy.
"Um... well," I felt myself get as red as a tomato.
"Is it really that bad?" Lyle asked laughing at me. I nodded.
"Would you rather do a dare?" Jen asked and by her face my answer was no.
"No," I sighed. "So about seven years ago on Halloween I had way to much candy and soda so I was on a sugar rush, and I was sick. Well, I ended up throwing up in the basement and blaming it on our dog."
"And the embarrassing part is?..." Jen seemed unsatisfied.
"We don't have a dog," I replied still blushing horribly. Everyone laughed either from my story or my expression I couldn't tell, but it was my turn. "Josh, truth or dare?"
"Truth," he replied from the couch he sat on.
"Um... favorite color?" I was hoping he would choose dare so I didn't have the best question ready for if he picked truth.
"Sorry that's way too personal," he told me in the most serious voice he could. "But white probably,"
"Yep boring color for a boring person," Jen teased him in a way that only a sibling could.
"Me? Boring?" he asked in mock astonishment. "Why do you think that?"
"You only hang out with us on weekends and so the rest of the week has to be boring. I mean we're obviously the awsomest people at the school," She told him like it should be obvious.
"Fine, whatever," he held his hands up in defeat. "Jen truth or dare?"
"Dare," she replied instantly. "I'm not scared of you,"
"Admit that I'm better than you," he stated... I guess the evil grin thing ran in the family. We all had to laugh at Jen's expression though. She literally paled at the thought of it, and a second later she chucked a pillow at him.
"I'd rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute, and into a sea of sharks and electric eels," she replied glaring at him.
"Wow. Jeez. Okay," he replied with a laugh. "Didn't know you were too afraid to admit the truth... even if you could pretend you said it just because it was a dare," Jen stuck her tongue out at him, and ended their conversation. As Jen turned to Lyle and asked
"Truth or dare?" Josh's cell phone started to ring. He looked to see who was calling and got to his feet.
"I'll be right back," he muttered as he walked off. Lyle chose truth which was the wisest move considering he was dealing with Jen.
"If you had to choose would you rather date me or Casey?" She asked. "I'm sorry I can't humiliate you this round... I was going to make you attack Josh if you chose dare."
"So you wanted me so get myself killed in other words?" Lyle asked questioning her sanity.
"Sure just answer the question," she replied.
"Casey," he told her. He went on to explain as I raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Jen scares me... a lot." Josh reappeared not looking very happy. Correction, he looked very angry.
"What's wrong?" I asked before anyone else could.
"People being jerks," he replied sitting back down. "Sorry guys I guess our party is going to have to end a bit early,"
"Why?" Jen now mirrored his anger.
"My friends decided to stop by, and they aren't really into games," Josh said the word "friends" almost sarcastically.
"Oh!" she suddenly looked excited. "So I'll get to meet them?" Josh looked ready to object but she kept going. "I've wanted to meet them for a while. I mean why would you want to hang out with them instead of us at school? So now we'll get a good answer rather than 'you wouldn't understand. It's complicated'" she mimicked his voice pretty well actually, and I had to admit I was a bit curious too.
"Jen they really aren't that nice-" Josh started to object a little more concerned than he should have been.
"Did they develop this trait before or after you joined their group?" Lyle asked, playfully of course, but Josh still glared daggers at him.
"We're staying and that's it," Jen left no room for an argument. Even if Josh wanted to argue he couldn't because right after she said it a knock came from the door. Josh walked over, opened the door (after he made his angry expression disappear of course), and let three people in.
They all looked like they could have been from a magazine. The first person who came in was a girl. She had wavy silver hair that shimmered in the sunlight, her pale skin was like fresh snow, and her black eyes went perfectly with the rest of her features. The next on in was a boy. He looked very similar to the girl. His silver hair was messy like he had just played football and had gotten tackled, his skin was only a little tanner than hers, and he had the same black eyes. My guess was brother and sister. The last one to enter was a girl. She had silky golden hair that ended at her waist, her crystal blue eyes sparked like diamonds, the perfect amount of freckles sprinkled her flawless face, and she had a perfect tan. She gave Josh a perfect smile as she showed off her pearly white teeth. He smiled his half smile in return. I was very jealous. I shouldn't have been though. We were friends and that was more than I expected the first time we met, but still I felt myself start to turn red as they hugged each other. Why couldn't I get a hug from him? Was I over reacting? Yes. Did I care right then? Not at all.
"Guys this is Zoey," Josh's voice brought me back to the present as he pointed to the girl with silver hair. "Zach," he pointed the boy, who smiled and waved. "And this is Sara," the girl who had hugged him didn't seem friendly; in fact she seemed pretty smug. "And I think you guys know all but Casey," Josh told the three pointing in my direction.
"Hi," I was quiet as I spoke.
"I'll be right back," Josh told us all. "You should get to know each other," and then he vanished.
It was quiet for a couple minutes, and awkward, as we all just sort of stood there.
"I like Disney movies," Jen broke the silence.
"What?" Sara asked in a way that said what makes you think it's okay to talk to us?
"I like baseball," Lyle stated, grinning as he listed of something he liked. I guess that's what we were doing.
"I like dancing," Isabella had been so quiet I had almost forgotten she was there. She didn't talk much.
"I like books," I laughed because the three looked confused. Finally though Zach spoke up.
"I like hockey," he seemed the friendliest out of all of them. "Zoey likes... or at least is amazing at painting. And since Sara here is being crabby today, sorry about that by the way, she likes-"
"Keep talking and I'll snap your neck," she suddenly growled.
"See? Crabby." Zach sighed shaking his head in disapproval. "And just for that attitude...she likes Josh," She didn't snap his neck although she looked like she wanted to. It was kind of easy to guess though.
"I have an idea!" Jen suddenly shouted making us all jump.
"And that is?" Isabella asked.
"We can all get into groups of two, and one group of three. Each group will have one of us and one of Josh's friends. So we can get to know each other," Jen always had great ideas.
"That sounds fun," Zoey finally spoke up. She seemed a bit more relaxed now. Only Sara remained quiet as we got into groups.
"Lyle and Isabella can go with Zoey," Jen told them. Isabella only seemed comfortable when Lyle was near so I guess they should have stayed together. "I'll go with Zach," and that left me with... "Casey you and Sara can be in a group," Yay... I get to be with Ms. I'm better than all of you. Of course I should have given her a chance though. Everyone else got up and left as they all went to find somewhere were they could be comfortable without there being three different conversations in the living room. The only people left were me and Sara.
"So-" I started to say but she cut me off.
"I don't want to be here, and I don't need new friends," she snapped.
"And I don't want to face Jen's wrath if she comes out to find us not talking so shut up and deal with it," I replied. She muttered a complaint quietly but came and sat down across from me.
"If you or any of your friends tell Josh I like him I swear-" it was my turn to cut her off.
"We won't," I promised her. "But why don't you tell him?" did I want them to go out? No. But would they be a good couple? Yes. And did I even have a chance with Josh? Probably not. So why not try to help.
"That's a stupid question," even as she frowned there wasn't a wrinkle in sight. "He might not feel the same way."
"So? Would he kill you if he didn't? What if he does like you?" She didn't seem that mean once you started talking to her actually. She was just kind of shy I guess you could say.
"Why do you even care?"
"Well, I think you two would be a cute couple," and her and Josh were much more possible than Josh and I. Might as well stop my impossible dreams now, and him getting the perfect girlfriend would stop them... probably.
"Really?" she asked. I nodded. "You know what Casey. I will tell him... and thank you by the way."
"Do you want me to go?" I asked. You could hear someone coming, and it was probably him.
"No, if you left I would end up chickening," she smiled laughing a bit.
"Hey... wait where are the others?" Josh questioned as he walked in.
"Getting to know each other," Sara explained.
"Jen's idea," It wasn't much of a question.
"Yep," Sara and I replied in unison.
"Um- so Josh," Sara stuttered looking for the right words.
"Yes?" he waited for her to go on looking kind of confused.
"Do you... I don't know... maybe want to go see a movie or something later?" she managed to get out after a few seconds. Her perfect tan turned a lovely shade of pink, like a blossom, as she blushed.
"Did you just ask me to go on a date with you?" Josh's expression was rude. He looked almost like he found the idea repulsive.
"Yes?" Sara looked unsure of how to respond so I stepped in.
"Josh can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked.
"Yeah sure," He replied as I got up and he lead me to another room Sara mouthed thank you as I walked out. I just smiled trying to convince her everything would all turn out good. Once we closed the door I spun to glare at Josh.
"What?" he asked.
"You didn't have to be that rude to her," I told him.
"What are you talking about?" he looked truly confused.
"She likes you, and you made it seem like you hated her," I snapped back. Why were guys so stupid?
"I didn't mean to. I just don't feel the same way. Why are you trying to make me date someone I don't love?" he seemed like he was getting mad. This made me get mad.
"How am I supposed to know who you love? It was a guess okay? And I'm not trying to make you date anyone," me included. "I didn't tell you to date her."
"But you were fine with her asking me out," he suddenly seemed a bit sad.
"Why should that matter?" I felt my heart speed up a bit. Why should he care?
"Because," He stopped for a second, and then his beautiful electric blue eyes met my dull boring brown eyes. And he acted like he had lost a game or something, angry and upset, as he whispered so quietly I could barely hear him. "I love you," I felt my breath get caught in my throat. He loved me? Why did he always pretend I didn't exist in school? Why did he never even acknowledge me in the hallway like he did now when he passed Jen or Lyle? He always seemed less open when I was around. I always thought that meant he didn't like me. I was about to demand to know the answer to all of those questions, but before I could say one word there was a scream. It was a deafening, pain filled scream, and it came from the living room.

Like the new characters? Yes or no? I am in so many RPs right now it's so confusing try to write more soon

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