Chapter 10

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I had to admit… I was a little more than happy when Lyle agreed. You could even say that I was overjoyed, and not just because Josh was safe now. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed him. 

“Can I go back home?” I asked after a second. I realized my mother was probably awake, and had more than likely called the cops. 

“Yeah,” he chuckled quietly, almost to himself. “Sorry about that by the way…. Kidnapping you and all.” I shrugged, barely able to keep a smile off of my face. 

“Eh,” I replied teasingly, “I won’t press charges this time.”  

“is that how it’s going to be?” He raised an eyebrow, hearing the challenge in my words. “I might just keep you here then.” 

“Nope,” I barely let him finish his sentence as I got to my feet. “I have to explain to my mother why I was kidnapped… let’s go before I decide your offer sounds better.” I held my hand out to help him up, and quickly pulled him to his feet. 

“I can help with that if you want,” he offered, being fully sincere. “it is sort of my fault.” 

“Sort of?” I grinned. “Thanks… we might want to hurry.” 

“Yeah…” Lyle nodded. “Probably.” We walked outside quickly, Tanner trailing close behind. 

“You might just want to stay here,” I spun around to face him. “I don’t like you.” 

“I don’t like you either,” He snapped back, “but if you think I’m going to let you be anywhere around Lyle, or any of us, alone… well then you’re stupider than I thought witch.” 

“Call me that again,” I growled. “I dare you.” 

“Wi-” he started to say it, but Lyle cut him off. 

“Okay one,” He glared at both of us, “You both are to old for childish fights, two,” He glowered at Tanner, “Be nice, and three,” He threw his blazing hot glare my way, “Witch is a type of creature… not an insult so quit being so over dramatic, and let him come if he wants.”

“One,” I snapped back, “I don’t want to be in the same car with him. Two if my mother sees him he will get arrested, and three…” I looked down at my shoes. They suddenly seemed way more interesting than the conversation. 

“What?” Lyle questioned. A concerned look covered his face. 

“A witch is the reason Josh is cursed… so it kind of is an insult,” I took a shaky breath. “It is to me at least.” 

“Casey,” He sounded like he was about to burst out laughing. I looked up at him, wondering what he found funny about that. “Were you the one that cursed him?” 

“No…” I replied, confused why it mattered. 

“Then being a witch shouldn’t be a bad thing… if anything it will help us find out how to break the curse,” He smiled, and I realized he was right. I also realized the sun was up already. 

“Crap,” I muttered. My mother was going to kill all of us. “We have to hurry. I didn’t realize it had been this long.” 

“It’s only been two hours,” Lyle stated with a shrug as he took the drivers seat in the car. 

“That can’t be right,” I stood puzzled as Tanner claimed the passengers side. “It was pitch black outside before…”

“Yeah, It’s that dark before sunrise princess,” Tanner was pretty much begging me to strangle him. “We picked you up before sunrise.” His little statement earned him a glare from Lyle who, like me, didn’t find it at all amusing or helpful. 

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