Chapter 1

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"Casey get up! You'll be late for your first day of school!" my mom shouted.
"Good," I muttered to myself, but obediently I got out of bed. I walked across my small room and grabbed my hairbrush. As I ran it threw my knotted dirty blond hair, I walked to my small box of clothes and pulled out a white blouse, a faded blue skirt, and after much searching I found my blue bow that matched perfectly. After I got it on, I ran quickly down the old wooden stairs to the kitchen.
"Hurry up," my mother told me as I put a few waffles in the toaster oven.
"Do I have to go?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"Yes," she said while she started washing her plate. "I let you skip a week already. You have to go," the toaster oven made a dinging sound, and I pulled the waffles out and sat down at the table. "And tonight you need to finish unpacking," my mother said as I finished the last bite.
"I will," I said as I put the plate in the sink. "Shoot!" I shouted as I looked at the clock. "The bus will be here any minute," I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly, and then I grabbed my old blue and grey book bag and ran to the door.
"did you brush your hair?" my mother called after me.
"Yeah," I said over my shoulder as I headed out the door.
"Might want to run your hand threw it a couple times. It looks like you just woke up,"
"oh thanks mom," I replied letting the door slam behind me. I knew I was being unfair to her. She didn't want to move either, but that's where she found a job. And Arnold Missouri wasn't to bad of a place. It was a small town but not like a countryish type place either. I was still lost in thought as I stopped at the bus stop.
"Hey are you lost?" a girl interrupted my thoughts. Her brown hair was long and wavy and one side covered one of her matching brown eyes. Her glasses shimmered in the morning sunlight as she looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Um no," I said after a small pause. "I'm a new student,"
"Casey?" she asked. I stared at her confused. How did she know my name? "Oh I'm supposed to show you to your classes and stuff like that," she said seeing my confusion. "I'm Jennifer by the way, but you can call me Jen if you want,"
"Nice to meet you Jen," I said looking at a nearby tree to my left.
"Kind of shy aren't you," Jen guessed easily. I just shrugged and made myself look back to where she stood.
"Nervous," I replied.
"Don't be," she said. "you'll love the school. Almost everyone is really nice." I caught how she said almost, but before I could say anything the bus pulled up. When I got on I immediately noticed something. The front of the bus had lots of people reading or drawing quietly, and the back was all facing one person. The boy looked quite comfortable being the center of attention. He was handsome I guess. He had jet black hair that stopped right at the top of his ears and I had never seen dark blue eyes before. They almost looked like they had an electric current running through them. I also noticed he looked quite nice. Not nice as in kind or even proper. He just looked rich. His black leather jacket looked custom made just for him as well as his leather book bag, and the phone he had in his hands looked like it hadn't even come out to stores yet, or at least I hadn't seen it. But it could have just been because I wasn't rich, not even close.
"Casey," Jen whispered behind me. "sit down," I quickly sat in the nearest seat I could find. I blushed in embarrassment when I realized he had seen me looking at him. Jen sat next to me and after a few more people sat down the bus tool off towards the school. "You don't want to talk to him," Jen said suddenly after a minute.
"What? Who?" I asked. I knew who she was talking about.
"That guy back there... Josh Miller. He's a total jerk," she told me quietly.
"why does the fact that he's popular make him a jerk?" I asked.
"It's not because he's popular," she rolled her eyes. "he's just really rude to people when he thinks he's better than them,"
"That horrible," I agreed nodding.
"it really is," Jen sighed. "and he never comes home anymore either. We don't know where he's going every night. He just disappears."
"Wait you're his sister?" I asked confused. Jen nodded.
"Um yeah," now she was the one stuttering. "he's my older brother. I'm sixteen he's eighteen,"
"I'm sixteen too," I told her.
"cool but like I said you really should stay away from him," Jen warned as we pulled up to the school.
"Kay," I replied as we got off.

It was lunchtime and I followed Jen to a table in the far corner of the room. Three people were there already. One girl had long dark hair in a ponytail and brown eyes. Another girl had long wavy white hair and crystal blue eyes. Then there was one boy with flame red hair and black eyes.
"Hey guys," Jen smiled. "This is Casey,"
"Hey Casey," they all said at once.
"Hi," I replied quietly not us to so much attention.
"Casey this is Natalie," she pointed to the girl with brown hair. "that's Isabella," the other girl. "And that is Lyle," the boy with the flaming red hair gave me a smile. "Where is Dillon?" she asked the group.
"I think he's sick today," Lyle said. "I haven't seen him anywhere,"
"oh okay," Jen sat down at the table and I sat across from her and between Natalie and Lyle. It was awkwardly quiet for a minute.
"so... um Casey? Have you lived her for a while?" Isabella asked finally.
"No I Just moved here a few weeks ago," I replied.
"Like it here?" Lyle asked me.
"Yeah it's nice," I said quickly. "I kind of miss my old house though,"
"You'll love it here don't worry," Jen told me. But I wasn't really paying attention anymore. Over her shoulder I saw Josh staring at me. Our eyes met for a brief second and then he looked away and started talking to the other three people at his table. "Casey?" Jen asked as she noticed I wasn't paying attention.
"Yeah," I nodded trying to sound cheerful. "I'm sure it will be great."

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