Chapter 2

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I sat between Lyle and Natalie just like I had the last four days.-my mom had been overjoyed to her I had made friends- I had also met Dillon, Jen's boyfriend, the second day. Right now he sat across from me and next to Jen talking away. I wasn't really paying much attention though. My eyes kept on wandering back to Josh. I had learned enough about him that I should have hated him, but I didn't. I actually kind of liked him. I mean sure I had seen him and a kid fist fighting in the hallway. (The kid lost) and yeah he was really rude most of the time, but when he wasn't shouting of punching he seemed really nice. The way he acted and talked around his friends was just like any other high school student. Just like everyday he looked in my direction feeling my gaze, and just like every other day he immediately looked away, and pretended I didn't exist.
"Casey?" I snapped back to the group's conversation as Jen called my name.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Do you want to come to my house and spend the night?" she asked again.
"Yeah that sounds fun," I replied forcing myself to meet her gaze. "I'll have to ask my mom though,"
"Kay," she said. She had met my mother the third day and knew she would say yes. "We can go to the movies if you want... or the mall but you really don't seem like a girly type of person. We could just stay at my house and have a party. Like really loud music, multicolored lights, and if you don't mind others showing up maybe we could get some of the others to come too...." she went threw a bunch of different options.
"Sounds great," I told her forcing myself to pay attention.
"Which one?" she asked.
"The party one," I replied. I hadn't been to a party in a while.
"Yay!" she said excited. "So a party at my house tonight!"
"I can't wait," I replied truly excited.

"This can't be her house," I gasped as we pulled into the driveway of what could pass as a castle. Not a mansion a castle.
"The directions lead to here," my mother looked at the paper again equally confused.
"Hey Casey!" I jumped and looked out my window. Lyle stood next to the car.
"Oh, hi Lyle," I said once I rolled down the window. "Is this the right place?" he laughed.
"Yup," he nodded, and I noticed his flame red hair seemed to glow as the sun hit it. "yeah it's a bit bigger than normal houses,"
"a bit," I laughed as I got out of the car. "that's like ten times the size of my house," he just smiled and shrugged. "so...... do you guys hang out here a lot?" I asked as we walked up to the front door.
"No not much actually," he told me as he got a spare key from under a small rabbit statue. He unlocked the door and put the key back quickly. Then he just walked in shouting "anyone home?"
"You know where I'm from it's impolite to just barge into someone's house," I muttered not following him.
"Are you all vampires or something? Do you need permission to come in?" Lyle grinned.
"No, its just rude," I replied a bit smugly.
"Lyle why are you standing there like an idiot?" I heard Jen shout.
"You have a vampire that needs permission to enter," he shouted back. She appeared at the door a second later.
"well then," she gave me an evil grin. "You don't have permission to enter. I can't have a vam-" this is stupid I thought to myself.
"Close enough," I cut her off and walked past her into a large living room. "wow," I whispered. A chandelier hung from the ceiling that was so high up it would take three ladders to get even halfway to the top. The carpet was a design with a forest filled with birds, deer, and streams full of fish, and it looked so real I wanted to reach out and pet one of the animals. The fireplace was made of stones stacked on top of each other, and the furniture looked so expensive I wondered if it was just for decoration.
"the party is this way," Jen grabbed my arm and pulled me after her. A million hallways later we entered a huge ballroom. I don't know what else to call it. The ceilings were just as high with disco balls shining rainbows of colors everywhere. There was a huge table filled with chocolate, pizza, soda, and whatever else a teenager needed to survive in the corner. Enormous speakers were scattered around the room blaring loud music.
This is our night! This is out time!
This is our chance of feeling alive!
Cause everyone knows the stars come out at night!
"What song is this?" I had to shout.
"its @reply by Set It Off... they're amazing you have to look them up!" she shouted back.
"Turn it down!!!" Lyle shouted.
"What?" Jen smiled as she asked and turned it up louder. "I can't hear you!"
"Hey why is it so loud in here?" Dillon walked in trying to block out the noise.
"because I like this song," Jen said.
"okay," he shrugged. "I guess it has to be loud to be a party."

About two hours later I was nearly deaf.
"What did you say?" I shouted as Jen appeared next to me. She just sighed and grabbed my arm pulling me out of the room.
"I said," she told me once the music was just a faint background noise, "tomorrow is Lyle's birthday, so we are throwing him a surprise party."
"Cool," I nodded in agreement. "that would be amazing."
"Good, everyone is helping out so you are in charge of getting him here without him knowing," she had an evil grin again and I wondered how often I would see it.
"but how-?" I started to ask.
"It's your job not mine," she held up her hands in defense. "good luck," I was about to say something else, but then a new voice joined the conversation.
"Jen," we both turned to see Josh walk into the room, looking quite angry. "Why are there strangers in our house?"
"One, it's not our house it' mom and dad's," Jen suddenly looked just as mad. "two, even if it was our house you are never home so you can't tell me what to do. And three, they aren't strangers they are my friends, and they used to be yours too!"
"Not her," Josh pointed to me.
"This is my new friend, Casey. She's not a stranger, and... well... could I talk to you alone for a minute?" Jen asked him. He nodded his black hair almost covering his eyes but not fully. "could we have a minute?" she asked me.
"Yeah sure," I walked out and started down the hallway. Then I realized I wouldn't be able to find my way back so I went to wait by the door for Jen.
"Why aren't you ever home anymore?" I heard Jen ask. I wasn't trying to listen, but I didn't want to get lost in the hallways.
"Its complicated. I wouldn't expect you to understand or believe me," I heard Josh respond. He actually sounded sad.
"I bet I would," she told him. "Just tell me,"
"I can't. he replied.
"and why is that? Josh I want to know!"
"Its not safe," he said like it should be obvious. Jen sighed exasperated.
"Josh I miss you," she sounded like she was about to cry. "we all miss you actually. Can't you stay for the party tonight?"
"I'm busy tonight," he told her.
"We're having a surprise party for Lyle tomorrow..." she asked hopefully.
"Yeah that sounds like it would be fun," Josh seemed actually happy when he said it. "Yeah I'll be there." then the door suddenly opened and he walked out, actually smiling. "need something?" he asked when he noticed me.
"Um... its just a really big house and I think I would get lost trying to find my way back to the party." I said blushing a bit from embracement.
"Yeah I get lost every once in a while too," he gave me a half smile that made me heart stop for a second, and then he left. Jen walked out a second later.
"Let's get back to the party," she said. I nodded. "Josh said he'll come to the party tomorrow. I can't wait."
"Really that's great," I was able to sound like I wasn't really that interested, but for some reason I couldn't wait.

I have like 5 chapters left that I've written. Should I publish it or wait? Is it good so far?

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