Chapter 4

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Before Mia walked inside she saw a black spot on the ceiling near the gate that looked like the gate of Moira Queen's office.

"The hell?"

"Mia?" William asked, "what's wrong?"

"That black spot," Mia said, "I saw it in the-" the vision in front of Mia's eyes turned black for a minute, and when her vision cleared she was in for a big surprise.

"Laurel?! What the hell?!" Mia exclaimed, "what?" Laurel asked, "why the hell do you look so.....young?"

"I've always been young" Laurel smirked, Mia glared at her and turned towards her brother who looked the same, "everything okay?" Diggle asked walking out, Mia squealed, "where the hell is your beard?!"

"I never had a beard"

"no, you did!" Mia exclaimed, she suddenly remembered the black spot and looked at it to find it in its spot, "get me a black light"

Diggle was confused but decided aginst arguing against the angry teen he took one out and handed it to her, Mia pointed the light towards the black spot, "what is that?" William asked, "Russian I think," Mia said, "does anyone know Russian here?!"

"uh, I have a translator Lena created," Kara said, walking up with it, "here" she handed it to her, "thanks," Mia said and pointed the camera towards the words while William held the light, "The place I saw you first" Mia read out loud, "I saw in the cabin looking like a cute little teddy bear," William said shrugging, "Thanks and I don't think it's about me"

"Then who?"

"mom," Mia said, "when I passed out I was in the afterlife and mom and dad were grandma's old office, we need to get there" 

"Okay..." William said, "Dig, you and William come with me and the rest stay here for back up," Mia said, "and kara tell Lena she's a genius"

"She's the best," Kara said and blushed, "Diggle what year is it on Earth 1?"

"2019 why?"

"Fuck it Novu" Mia muttered, "nothing let's go"

"Mia where?" William asked, "grandma's office"

"which is now Palmer Tech"

"oh crap" 

"maybe it has to be here," Laurel said, "the black spot appeared here, so..."

"maybe," Mia said and ran inside, "I swear to god that girl never tells me anything"William grumbled and walked in.

"Where is Moira Queen's office here?" Mia asked coming to a halt in front of the doppelgangers "Uh there's no star city here" Colton said, "but we do have a set of it"

"Take me to it, now"

Colton nodded and Mia followed him with Diggle and William behind her, the others stood back.

Mia, William, Diggle and Colton entered the set of Miora Queens office, "look for a black spot" Mia said, the others nodded and started looking around.

"Found it!" William exclaimed, Mia ran towards him and handed him the black light,"the first place I kissed you" Mia read through the screen of the translator.

"The Queen Mansion!" Both William and Mia exclaimed, "Colton"

"Gotcha let's go"

"Didn't they kiss in the hospital?" Diggle asked, "no dig, dad kissed mum when he was fooling Slade" William said, "and he never told me" Diggle grumbled.

They entered the Queen Mansion set, the living room and started to look around for a black spot.

"Got it," Diggle said, Mia took out the translator and pointed it to the spot, "our honeymoon" Mia read "gross!"

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