Brother To Brother Talk

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The next night, Minho arrived at Olympus with the help of his youngest nephew, Hermes.  The messenger god let him be in the throne room simply stating, "You know where to go, Uncle." As Hermes left Minho muttered, "Smartass." To himself before sighing in annoyance.  Deciding to take a bit of time for himself before seeing his brother Minho admired all twelve thrones that were in front of him.  A chuckle then broke him out of his muesing, "Stare at them for too long and people are going to get the idea that you actually want to stay here." Turning around to face the owner of the voice he smirked when he saw who it was.

It was a woman with short light brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin tone.  There was a diadem on her head that resembled peacock feathers and the blue dress she wore a has a masculin take that she always liked.  This woman was Hera, or as Minho liked to call her Amber, his brother's wife.  Walking over to her he then took her hands in his, "Amber, it's a pleasure to see you as always." He then kissed the back of both her hands.  She chuckled a bit, "You old charmer, if I didn't know you better I would assume you were trying to take me away from my husband." He laughed a bit at that, "I would never." His smile then dropped when he asked, "Speaking of my brother, where is the idiot?" Amber scoffed while rolling her eyes, "He's in his study waiting for you." Minho nodded.  He then let her hands go while saying, "Next time I visit we need to catch up." "Agreed." Amber replied as he started walking down the halls.

After walking for a few minutes he found his brother's study.  He knocked a bit before opening the door.  When he came fully inside he saw that Zeus was sitting in front of his desk with a bottle of gold liquid.  The dark brown hair that was so close to Minho's black hair color has is in a messy hairstyle, and the ebony eyes that match the death god's own had a happy glint when he saw that his older brother had arrived.  Zeus gestured to the chair next to him, "Come on Hades, sit and have some nectar with me." Minho rolled his eyes but sat, "You know I don't go by that name anymore, just like you don't go by 'Zeus' all the time Jungsoo." The younger of the two just shrugged, "Alright point taken." He then took out two goblets, giving one to Minho before pouring the gold contents of the bottle in both of them.  Jungsoo then raised his glass, "To our peace since overthrowing our dear father and the rest of the titans." A corner of Minho's mouth lifted from it's frown as he shrugged, "I'll drink to that." They clinked their glasses together before drinking the liquid.

Hours later and both brothers were on the verge of being drunk.  From what Jungsoo told him he got this nectar as a anniversary gift from Dionysus, so it was straight up alcohol with the sweet mix of the natural nectar.  Minho had to admit, this was the best damn nectar that he ever tasted.  The god of death was about to take another sip of his drink when his younger brother asked, "So have you found anyone that has caught your fancy?" The goblet stayed unmoving on his lower lip as he was startled.

Bringing the glass away he ran a hand through his hair as he debated whether or not to tell Jungsoo about the ethereal beauty from yesterday.  Then again he did decide last night that he might need his brother's help with identifying the boy.  So taking a deep breath he uttered out, "Actually, yesterday I saw someone on one of my annual trips to the surface." Jungsoo almost dropped his glass when he turned to the older man with wide eyes.  Seeing the smirk on Jungsoo's face Minho anticipated the next question, "Really, who's the lucky lady then and what does she look like?" Minho rolled his eyes, "The she is a he, and I have no clue who he is." "What?!" Sighing Minho continued, "I didn't get to talk to him because I didn't want him to freak out at the sight of me, so I left." He wasn't going to tell Jungsoo the real reason, he spent so much time making sure his emotions barely showed and that wasn't going to break any time soon.  The room was silent as the brothers stared at each other, wondering who will break first.

It was Jungsoo that ended up breaking the silence, "Well tell me what he looks like I might know who he is." At this Minho looked back through the depths of his memories to visualize the boy that has plagued his thoughts.  He then said out loud, "He had blonde shining hair, like the sun itself was imbedded in the strands.  Dark, oak brown eyes.  Golden fair skin that was practically glowing.  He also had a mix of male and female features, but by Gia his voice was what drew my to him in the first place.  It was like I was drowning myself in honey when I heard him singing." He looked over at his brother when he was finished.  Only to be surprised at the look the other god was giving him.  It was a look of recognition mixed with some hints of pity.  After a while Jungsoo asked, "His eyes are a very narrow almond shape along with his face having feline like features, am I right?" Minho nodded, "You know him don't you?" It was the younger brother's turn to let out a deep sigh as he nodded, "The boy is Persephone, Demeter's eldest son." The youngest of the two then took a long drink before adding, "You better forget about him because Gia knows Demeter will never let anyone, especially you, anywhere near her boy." The room was basked in silence after that.

Minho processed the information that was told to him.  Persephone, he heard of the boy but never imagined he would fall victim to the beauty that was so described in rumors by people that have passed near him.  However, unlike the others that have failed to get close to the boy because of the overbearing, protective Demeter he was determined to succeed in trying.  So he told his brother, "Thanks for telling me his name and for the warning, but I'm going to have to ignore the last bit." The reaction he got out of the king of the gods was priceless.  With eyes as wide as plates Jungsoo asked, "You're seriously going to try to get with him even though I told you who's child he is?" Minho nodded, "Yes, Demeter has had him sheltered for too long, the boy needs to be free and if I have to try to court him in order for that to happen then I'll do it." What he didn't expect to happen next was for Jungsoo to burst out laughing.

When The storm god regained his breathing he told Minho, "I never thought you'd be the one to try to go against Demeter, but I guess I underestimated you, big brother." The he patted the death god's shoulder adding, "I'll help you with this task dear brother, for you have my explicit permission to take him as your bride." It was Minho's turn to widen his eyes, "Seriously?" "I'm dead serious, you need all the help you can get." For the first time in a long while Minho was grateful that Jungsoo was his brother.  Taking both goblets away Jungsoo added, "And lucky for you I have an idea of sorts that we could do, since I know how this boy works more than you do." Leaning closer Minho replied, "I'm all ears, what is it?" This cause the younger to grin, "I promise you won't regret this." Then he described the idea in full.  Minho hung onto every detail that was being made to understand what, when and how this would happen.

After the whole thing was explained the brothers parted ways.  Jungsoo telling Minho that he'll let him know when the time comes for the plan to unfold as he left.  When he returned to the Underworld, Minho immediately went to his private chambers.  There he planed out all the things that he might try when the boy comes here.  No matter what happens he will try his damnist to woe Persephone over to be his wife and queen.  

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