Chapter 4-Other Views

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A/N- The ending of the last chapter was so bad I don't know why I even posted it ;-;

Also just so you know I don't exactly know how people measure things in the metric system so bear with me plz :(


Naomasa Tsukauchi's POV

Naomasa looked eye to eye at the bronze haired villain. This was the villain causing so much trouble. Hipako Yugachi. Age 22. Height 5'6 (About 168 cm). Weight 160 LB (About 72.57 kg) Blood type: A+. Quirk: Time Warp- Gives the user the ability to send an object or living being physically through time to the past or future. Drawbacks: Cannot reverse the effects. If the user in a different time uses the quirk, they get serious drawbacks such as headaches, cramping, nausea, and/or temporary paralyzation. 

He starts the interview. "So, Hipako sir, they say you are ready to talk now?"

The villain stared lazily back. "Uh huh, I guess..."

"Alright then. First question. How does your quirk work exactly? Can you send yourself back? Is there any other drawbacks and/or features regarding your quirk?" 

"Aren't you supposed to have like, a profile or something? Anyways, 1. I basically I shoot a laser and ka-blam! I send someone through time. 2. I can't, if I did, then I would. 3. If something from the past or future is next to me I get bad headaches. I only know this cuz somebody appeared and I nearly died. Also, if somebody happens to get sent back to their current time the everybody forgets everything and they continue on, except with the changes that were made in the past or future." he responds, noticeably bored.

Okay, that was pretty useful. "And how long would you say you've been a villain?"

"Um... 10 years?" That surprised the detective. This guy was a villain for 10 years and they never noticed? If he was that under the radar, why would he suddenly throw himself out there? "When I started out I didn't really do anything. Just pickpocketed a little and drew some colorful painting on buildings. Then I got to the good stuff by killing my school bullies." He sighed. "That was fun."

This guy was so confusing. He refused to speak for 2 weeks and now he's just confessing to murder? Maybe he was just cooling off? 

"Do you know how far you sent Deku? Was it the past or future?"

Hipako scratched his head for a moment. Then he started to speak. "Well I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was to the past. I sent it off on accident and was kinda daydreaming about my past memories. If I'm not controlling it when it sets off, then it normally ties into my emotions, or what I'm thinking about. So probably the past. Dunno how far I sent him though."

Naomasa decided to wrap up the interview. "Alright then, thank you for your cooperation," he said as he stood up. "I'll be leaving now."

"Aight, by then 'tective."

Naomasa walked out of the room thinking about the new notes he just received. 'Unless we can find somebody that's able to bring him back, we're just going to have to hope that past him is going to bring him back. It is a small world, I guess.' 

He found his colleagues waiting for him outside. "Got anything?" One asked. 

"Yup. Let's see what we can do,"


Katsuki's POV

Katsuki decided to hold a press conference. Why? Because the FREAKING MEDIA WON'T F-CKING LEAVE HIM ALONE!

He put on his hero costume and went to the meeting with his usual grumpy face. He stood in front of the microphones as cameras were flashing in his face. Katsuki never like the media. Yeah he wanted to be popular, but when they're stalking you 24/7, you have to fight the urge to kill them. Now he was standing in front of a bajillion people he hated with cameras, journals, and microphones.

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