Chapter 2-Lot of Questions and No Answers

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A/N-AAAH I accidentally deleted this part and I'm so mad a myself....oh well...


Deku's POV

Izuku, Nezu, and Aizawa all sat in the principal's office, with a warm cup of green tea in front of them. Nezu sat, rethinking everything Izuku had said.

"So what you're telling me, is that you were attacked by villains,"


"You got hit by a quirk,"


"And now you are here 10 years in the past, without any way of going back,"

"That's right,"

Nezu took a small sip of tea and thought carefully. "There isn't much we could really do about this situation, but we could start by searching for people with time related quirks, although we don't know how long it will take. Meanwhile, we could arrange an empty dorm room you could stay in,"

'At least there is a small chance I could get back.' Izuku thought. Right now, all he wanted to do was go home, be with Kacchan and kids, and continue his hero work like this never happened. He loved UA and missed it a lot, but he did not like the current situation he was in.

"Um.. thank you, for taking the time to talk about this..... I know you're busy and stuff... not to mention this really strange situation," Izuku said. He got up with Aizawa and left the room.

Nezu smiled. He was glad Izuku grew up to be such a great hero.


Katsuki's POV


Katsuki loomed over a poor police officer, looking as if he were about to explode at any moment. Sparks were going off in his palms. The poor officer was trembling.

"U-Uh, w-we tried tr-tracking Deku's lo-location, b-but he was n-nowhere to b-be found.....a-and t-the v-v-villain won't s-say anyth-thing." the officer murmured.


"W-WAIT CALM DOWN PLEASE!" the officer begged. "We are still i-interrogating him, and we will l-let you know i-if anything comes u-up,"

Katsuki was fuming. Deku had just vanished off the face of the freaking Earth! He could be on the other side of the world for f-cks sake! He stormed out of the police station and immediately went home. He slammed open the door and 2 faces popped out to greet him.

"Dad's home!" Hanami exclaimed. She ran up to her dad and hugged him.

"Dad! You won't believe what happened at school today!" Hatsuna said. She looked up at him. "Wait, where is Papa?"

Hatsuna and Hanami are Izuku and Katsuki's adopted daughters. Hatsuna was a 13 year old, generally good behaved girl. Poor Hatsuna was treated like a slave in her old household, so she picked up the certain habits by the time Izuku rescued her. She was mature and always strived to be her best, so she wouldn't displease her dads. She also did most of the chores, even when she didn't need to. She had short, neon yellow hair, with equally neon orange eyes. 

Hanami was adopted by Izuku and Katsuki so Hatsuna wouldn't be lonely when they went off to do their hero work. Hanami was a girl that was a literal bundle of joy. She was almost always happy, bubbly, and full of energy. Although she is very unorganized and is struggling a lot in school. She has long, light pink hair that fades into darker pink as it gets lower. 

"To hell if I know," Katsuki grumbled. "He f-cking disappeared and the police aren't doing sh-t!" Izuku always told Katsuki not to swear in front of the kids, but since, Izuku wasn't there, why should he listen? He walked to the living room and sat on the couch. 

"Hatsuna, take the brat upstairs, I need to make a phone call and DON'T F-CKING INTERRUPT ME," ordered Katsuki.

"Ok, dad," Hatsuna said quietly. She grabbed Hanami's hand and tugged at it lightly. "C'mon Hana,"

"I'm not a brat!" Hanami protested, as she followed her sister upstairs. 

When they got to Hanami's bedroom, Hatsuna started cleaning her sister's room, thinking of what could've happened to Papa.

"Nee-Chan, when is Papa coming back?" her sister asked.


"I don't know, Hana, I really don't."


Deku's POV

Izuku opened the dorm room where he would be temporarily staying. It had a simple table and a chair, a mattress, a small closet filled with some clothes, and a nightstand. 'Not bad' he thought as he looked around the room. He opened the bathroom door that had some supplies in it. He looked around until he found a small first aid kit. He opened the case and took out a small bottle of disinfectant and a roll of bandages. 

He cleaned the wound where he got grazed by the spikes and wrapped the cut. It wasn't that deep, but it was really wide. The lower half of his right leg was covered in blood. He exited the bathroom and changed out of his hero costume.

He checked the clock on the nightstand. 16:46 (4:46 PM). He flopped onto his bed and faced the ceiling. 'Why does this always happen to me? Well I still have time to kill, so might as well use it'. 

Izuku walked down to the common room. He saw the Dekusquad talking, the Bakusquad screaming memes and vines while playing video games. The emo squad being.....emos, and the extra squad (I COUnT THIs AS A SQUAD OK?) doing what actual normal people do. A rush of emotions swelled up inside of him.

He headed towards the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. He sat down in a chair and observed the others quietly. 'I wonder how Kacchan's doing. What about the kids? I hope I can find my way back to the  present quickly. Are they trying to find me in the present? If I tell the past about what happens in the future will it affect the future? Probably."

"Hey older Deku!"

Deku snapped out of his train of thought as he saw Hagakure and Ashido walk toward him. "You never answered my questions from before," Ashido states.

"What?" Izuku thought for a moment. "O-Oh yeah, um, like I said, I don't really want to mess up the future or anything like that, so I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut for now."

"Awwwww" Ashido complains. "Can you at least tell me who I end up with?"

"Me too!" joins Hagakure.

"Ok FINE.... just keep your mouth shut afterward,"

Izuku whispers into both of their ears. A split second later and a screech fills the entire dorm building.

"R-Really? OMG! I never thought it would end up like that!" 

"Wait seriously! I mean, I guess it could work... IthoughtIwasstraightthough"

"Hey can I ask you questions about the future?"

"Me too!"

"I would also like to ask something,"

Oh crap.


1093 words

A/N- Hey. I think this chapter sucked less than the first one. 


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