Chapter 28 - The Raid

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Yes, I tired to do "in between season" stuff, but it was just bad and bland, I'm not that creative. Sorry.


3 Years Later

You and Clem, along with AJ have grown accustom to life in Wellington. You both had jobs to do daily, which were actually pretty easily. AJ was a adorable little kid. He still hasn't talked yet, which is odd for a kid at his age, but Edith said he'll talk when he's ready.

You reached your home, after doing your job, which was patrol. Your home was a shipping container, it's pretty cozy, for a shipping container. You opened up the makeshift door and walked in. You see Clementine playing along with AJ, it was an adorable sight. She looks up at you and smiles. 

Clementine: Hey, Y/N. Had a rough day.

You chuckled.

Y/N: Boring. But I rather be bored than be scared out there that's for sure. How about you and the little goofball?

Clementine: Still the same adorable little kid. Giving me a reason to smile.

Y/N: Oh, I don't make you smile?

Clementine: Oh, God no!

Y/N: Ouch.

She giggles.

Clementine: I'm just messing with you. Of course you make me smile.

You laugh.

Y/N: I know you are, you always are.

You both see that AJ is drawing something.

Clementine: What you drawing, goofball? Can I see?

She kneels down and examines his drawing.

Clementine: You know I'm no good at this, but I'll try to guess what it is.

She hums in thought.

Clementine: Is it... me?

AJ giggles and nods as he points at her. You laugh.

Clementine: What's so funny?

Y/N: Oh... It's nothing... It's just... that does look EXACTLY like you.

You started laughing hard as she playfully punches your shoulder.

Clementine: Shut up. At least he's actually drawing me.

You stopped laughing and knelt down in from of AJ.

Y/N: Where's the drawing of me at, goofball?

He just blows a raspberry at you as you and Clementine laugh.

Y/N: I'll remember that.

Clementine: Can you say Clem, AJ? Try it, Cleeeeem.

Y/N: No! Say Y/N.

He doesn't say anything.

Clementine: I'm starting to get a little worried that he hasn't spoke yet.

Y/N: I am, too. But Edith said that he'll talk when he's ready.

You heard a couple of bangs come from outside.

Y/N: The hell?

Clementine: That's weird...

You heard knocking at your door. You ran over and opened it. It was Edith.

Clementine: Edith, what's wrong?

Edith: The group from last week, they're back. They have more people and they are armed. This is bad, guys. Pack up what you can we need to be ready.

Y/N: Dammit!

You and Clem packed up what you could. Soon, an explosion goes off.

Edith: They're inside! We need to go!

She grabs AJ and you all leave through the front. As you made your way to the treeline, you hear something drop behind you. You and Clem turn around and see that it was Edith.

Clementine: No!

You both ran over to her. You rolled her over and Clem picks up AJ.

Clementine: It's okay... It's okay. You're okay!

???: There's someone near the treeline! Fuckin' shoot 'em!

A bullet grazes Clem's cheek as you two run as fast as you can away from the chaos.


You, Clem, and AJ have been on the run for hours now. It was still nighttime when you suggested that you all stop for tonight and rest. You set up a campsite and got a fire going. You went to go get some firewood and when you came back, you see AJ playing with his feet and Clem holding her legs with tears welling up in her eyes. You drop the wood off, sat next to her, and put an arm around her.

Y/N: You okay?

She doesn't respond for a couple a second.

Clementine: Everyone I've ever known. Every place I've been to. It always ends up bad. I thought Wellington was finally a place I could call home, but...

She sniffles.

Y/N: Well, you still have me and AJ.

Clementine: And that's what scares me. I'm scared that something will happen to you two, especially you... and then I'll be alone...

Y/N: I understand where you're coming from. But as long as I live, I'll try my absolute best to make sure nothing happens to us three.

She looks up at you and smiles.

Clementine: I'll hold you to that...

Y/N: See? There's that smile I love to see.

You got up and open both arms.

Y/N: Come on... I know you want one...

She gets up and hugs you. It last for a while. You feel something around your leg. You look down and see AJ hugging both you and Clem's leg. You smile and picked him up.

Y/N: Goofball wants hug too? Come here, buddy.

You all three then share a nice, peaceful hug.

Y/N: You know, the best thing that came out of the apocalypse? I got to meet you two. 

Clementine starts crying onto your shoulder.

Clementine: I agree with that...

You pulled away and sat AJ down.

Y/N: Alright, that's enough sap.

You began to make shadow puppets for AJ. Her and AJ giggle.

Clementine: You know, you're right. As long as we have each other, we'll be okay.

Y/N: That's the spirit. Now, why don't you rest? I'll watch the little goofball. We need to start moving tomorrow, away from the damn cold.

Clementine: You sure?

You smile.

Y/N: Defiantly.

She smiles as she lays down.

Clementine: Thank you.

You looked at her one last time before focusing your attention on AJ.

Before it was a small crush, but now I've officially caught feeling for her. I hope she feels the same, but only time will tell.

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