Chapter 19 - On A Trail

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You, Jane, and Clementine have been walking in the forest for awhile now.

Clementine: Thank you, Y/N.

You looked at her confused.

Y/N: Uh, for what?

Clementine: For defending me against Kenny.

Y/N: Oh, don't even thank me. He had no right blaming you for something like that. Don't let it get to your head. 

Jane: Look, I'm gonna level with you two. You should know that finding your friends... that's a shot in the dark.

You look at her.

Y/N: So, then why the hell we come out here?

Jane: I wanted to talk to you two, away from them. Y'all wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't smart, but I... I still gotta warn you.

We stopped walking.

Jane: That group is cracking... I've seen it before. And, well... a lotta times, it's better to be on your own.

Jane walks past you two.

Jane: I know you both see what I'm talking about. Y'all don't wanna be here when they start... Turning on each other.

Clementine: Well, being alone isn't safe either.

Y/N: Yeah. The last time we were alone. She got bit badly by a dog, and we had nowhere to go. If Luke and Pete hadn't found us... well, I don't want to think of the alternative.

She smiles at you.

Clementine: And if you didn't steal those supplies for me.

You chuckled.

Y/N: You would've stole them yourself.

She laughed.

Clementine: Maybe...

Jane: Yeah, but I mean, look at Kenny... I don't even know where to begin with what a liability he is... And Rebecca's "situation" isn't making thing better back there.

Clementine: Have you just... kept to yourself this whole time?

Jane: Of course not... but sometimes ya gotta learn the hard way. I'm trying to save y'all that trouble. For what it's worth, I like most of the people in your crew... but, groups fall apart. People get killed.

Y/N: So... why'd you bring us with you?

She looks inside of a abandoned car.

Jane: I'm just trying to give you both the tools to make it. Like both of your jackets... it looks warm, but... a walker could tear right through it. My sister Jamie had good leather one... wish I still had it. Clem coulda...

She trials off as she walks to the otherside of the car.

Clementine: I always wanted a sister...

She says in a sadden tone as she holds her arm. You wrap an arm around her.

Y/N: I'm sure a big sister would've been mean more than nice to you.

She looks at you and smiles while she gets comfortable on your arm. 

Clementine: I used to make my babysitter, Sandra, play a game that we were secret sisters.

Jane: Y/N is right, you know. Being a big sister is... well, it's funny.

We walked away from the car. You take your arm off of Clementine, much to her disappointment.

Jane: It's really easy to be mean.

Clementine: Oh?

Jane: You know, hide her toys. Make fun of her bad haircut. Give her the bad haircut. On purpose, of course.

Clementine: Why would you even do that?

Jane: What could I do? She thought I was her best friend. That couldn't go... unpunished. Every summer we'd go to this amusement park in Virginia. But the best part wasn't the rides... It was that nobody knew us there and I'd... I'd pretend we were best friends.

She clears her throat as you looked around and your eyes landed upon a place.

Y/N: Look!

Jane: Oh, shit! Jackpot!

You all ran to the front and see two walkers on the ground.

Jane: Bet these walkers got some good stuff.

She stabs one of them.

Clementine: Why would they have good stuff?

Y/N: Maybe because they're "fresh"?

Jane: Yeah. Old walkers are a waste of time. They're holding things like credit cards and busted old pagers. But these walkers were survivors. They could have something useful. 

She stabs the other one.

Jane: You both search that one. I got this one.

You started searching it's pockets.

Jane: That's a smart haircut, Clem.

Clementine: Thanks.

Jane: So... has your crew always been so dysfunctional? 

Y/N: We were in a different group before. That one worked better... I think.

Clementine: Yeah. That's when I got my haircut like this.

You search the left pocket and found two bullets.

Jane: Hold on to them. Ammo's getting hard to come by, and things aren't going to get better.

We walked to another walker and Jane stabs it.

Jane: You can never be too sure with these things. Here, gimme a hand.

You crouched down and helped her roll the walker over. You then see a red pair of glasses on the ground. Sarah's. Clementine picks them up.

Clementine: Sarah's glasses!

Jane: Looks like you friend didn't make it. I'm sorry.

Y/N: We don't know if she's dead! We should look in this trailer park.

Jane: Listen, Y/N. I know that--

You heard someone scream.

Luke: Sarah! Goddammit!

Jane: Shit. Okay, we gotta find a way in.

You walked around the fence and you see Nick impaled on the fence. Already turned.

Y/N: Oh, no...

Clementine: It's... it's Nick...

Jane: Look, he's your friend. You should do it.

Clementine pulls out her hatchet.

Y/N: I can do it, if you don't want to?

Clementine: No... no. I can do it. Goodbye, Nick.

It takes her a few tries, but she does it. It takes her a minute to get her hatchet unstuck. You put a hand on her shoulder.

Jane: That hatchet of yours... It seems to get stuck pretty easily. It's gonna end up getting you killed. Here, use this.

She hands her a screwdriver.

Jane: Very effective.

She pushes walker Nick off the fence.

Jane: Now, come on. We may not have a lot of time.

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