|| z. malik |***|

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A Zayn Malik One Shot

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artist: one direction

album: four

track number: eleven

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who's that shadow holding me hostage i've been here for days

Zayn normally wasn't a creep. Honestly, he had no reason to be one. He was very good looking, and he knew that. He had a very easy time getting a girl, but for some reason, he felt like that wouldn't be the case with Vanessa.

For the past two years, he had been infatuated by Vanessa. Something about her, made Zayn lose all sense of control. He didn't know how to act around her. He didn't even know what to say to her.

Having known about her for two years now, he knew that she hasn't had an easy time in her previous relationships. He obviously didn't know the details of the relationships, but he could see that she wasn't happy with them. He had never seen her happy, so he doesn't know what she looks like when she's happy. But somehow he knew; he knew that she wasn't happy.

When he approached her that day, he wasn't expecting to do what he did. He told himself that he would say hi, and maybe, just maybe, introduce himself. He never would have imagined that he would have taken her. But she was crying; and he wanted her to stop.

'Please stop crying,' he tried to say, but couldn't find his voice.

Instead, he took her. And she couldn't do anything to stop him. She didn't know him. He was a stranger to her. So yes, she was scared. She was scared of what he would do to her. She didn't even see who he was, but she was scared of him regardless, so she didn't fight back. She couldn't. If she died today, she really wouldn't mind. No one would notice anyway.

Vanessa was alone. She was physically and mentally alone. That's how she liked it. She figured that after all that she did in the past, she was done being with other people. They were all just disappointments anyway.

Everyone who she thought were a friend to her really weren't. She had no siblings, and her parents couldn't care less. Or at least, that's what she thought. In reality, it wasn't that they didn't care; it was just that she was miles away. They hardly ever saw her; let alone get a phone call every day. All they ever got was a text message once every two weeks to say that she was okay, but that was about it.

The bottom line is, if she died today, she would be okay with that.


who's this whisper telling me that i'm never gonna get away

She still had no clue who this mysterious man was. She had no idea why he took her that day. But she was just happy that he didn't kill her or anything like that. The day she was abducted, she didn't care if she died, because she was upset. That's changed now, and she doesn't want to die.

Vanessa hasn't really thought about anything outside of this room she's being kept in. It's a really nice room in her eyes. It has a small bathroom in it with a shower head. It now has a mini fridge and microwave, which she hadn't noticed before. He must have came in and put them there when she was sleeping. Just like he had the first night she was there. She doesn't remember much, but she's sure she passed out on the floor; and when she awoke, she was in this room on an air mattress.

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