|| l. payne |**|

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A Liam Payne Imagine (more or less)

Dear Liam,

I'm sorry to have to do this in form of a letter. I truly am. I just, I don't think I have it in me to do it in person. Not that I can do that anyway, you're never around so this is just the easiest option.

I want you to know that you haven't done anything wrong. I know that One Direction is your life, and I couldn't ever ask you to stop doing it. I know you would if I asked, but I feel like that would be too big of a burden. It's terrible to even think of it.

I think the saying "it's not you, it's me" is a terribly cliché thing to say, but still I feel like I have to say it, because otherwise, you'll keep blaming yourself for all of this. You might blame yourself even still, but I need you to understand that you really aren't the one to blame for this happening.

You are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Liam, you are the best of me. You always have been, and you always will be. It has just come to the point in which I need to get away from this all.

I told you that I was okay with all the attention I was getting; and in all honesty, I was. I still am. It's just that I've been getting far too much attention now that you're always gone. And I just, I can't deal with this all on my own; just like I can't stand being on my own for so long.

This is your flat, that I'm only staying in, because you didn't want me to be paying rent somewhere else. I ended up in London, because I was running away from my problems back home; you know that, you always did. But I feel like it's time to go back, and deal with them; mainly because I've been feeling lost and alone lately.

You've been gone for a little bit over two months; and I hardly get the chance to even talk to you. I feel like it's not right for me to be walking around in this flat without you. It doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel right. And that sucks; it really does.

Liam, I honestly feel like this isn't right. This isn't the right time to be in a relationship. This isn't the right time to be together. And I truly hate myself for even doing this, but I think I have to go.

I have to leave, because I just need to figure this whole thing out. I need to figure out why this doesn't feel right anymore. I don't know if it's because you're gone more than half of the year, or if it's just because we aren't meant to be together, but I owe it to both of us to figure this out.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you walked through that front door. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I wish I had the guts to say any of this to your face, but the truth is, I am the biggest coward to ever walk the face of this earth. And I know you will never agree to that statement, but it is the truth.

Please, don't come after me when you get back from tour and read this letter. Please, don't try and change my mind. I need for you to understand that I'm doing this for both of us.

I love you, Liam; and I always will.

** ** **

Author's Note: so hi. This is random. I don't even know why I wrote this or whatever. I honestly just started writing it. I feel like I really just needed to write something for you guys, but I haven't had the chance to do so. I've been busy lately and I feel terrible about not writing anything for you guys in a while. I'm not even sure how many people still read these but yeah.

Hopefully the next update isn't too far away. Maybe it will be a letter by Liam in response to this one. I'm not sure yet though. What do you think? If even one person says yes, I'll do it. If not, then I'll just write something else.

Anyway, vote if you like it.

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