Tears of hurt and Petals of a Rose

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Jason's pov

I wish that I hadn't of been so dumb,to take advantage of a beautiful girl like Scarlet. One thing I didnt understand was how she had forgotten.......well about that night. People just don't forget like that. Even though she obviously didn't remember I still needed to try to make things right. And not be a total douche about it.

I saw her sister Chloe at the bottom of the steps , and she turned to me and muttered with a smirk"Wow I was sure she had killed you." 

I laughed "You wish,but Chloe... do you have any idea why she hates me?" She motioned me to come closer, and we sat down on the couch.

"Look Jason my sister she is hard to win over ,but I know she doesn't hate you, just prove you really do like her and I'm sure she'll open up eventually.I'm her twin I would know,and I can tell when she has an interest in someone" I was shocked by this information ,but definitely would use it wisely.

" Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me." I hugged her tight,she was hesitant but finally hugged me back I whispered something in her ear. 

" And by the way .....I can tell Chloe, but really you have nothing to worry about. James is acting like a lovesick puppy over you." 

 She was speechless I smiled " You deserve to know, and its the least I could do to pay you back."

I set off to look for Scarlet when I saw a wild rose bush, she must like roses right?

I picked a dozen and continued looking, finally I spotted her over by a fountain looking at the water intently.

 "Scarlet " I started nervously.

  She turned around slowly with tears in her eyes.

"Who hurt you? I swear I'll kill them." I said rushing over to her side.

 She started sobbing and lost her footing, I caught her up in my arms. "Scarlet what happened?" 

She sniffed "Nothing,hey what are those for?" She gestured to the roses .

I smiled shyly "Well they were for you, but I understand if you don't want them." I noticed she was still in my arms 

"Oh, well I love them. Thank you."  She leaned into me the stood on her tip toes, then she kissed my cheek.  

We stood like that for a while, then she fell asleep. I carried her to her room. I kissed her forehead, set the roses on her dresser and left.

Hope's P.o.v

I was so happy to see Thunder, but deep down I knew something was off.  "Hey honey what's wrong?" He looked worried, nervous somehow. Was he hiding something?

  He shook his head "No, no it's nothing.Trust me, but about our wedding. I think we should move up the date." 

I didn't push him,(But I should have,  I knew something was up and he wasn't saying it.) 

"Okay yes, that's a great idea. We still need to invite...... well everybody.  We also have to find everyone." He nodded "Yeah let's go."

We started the search with Bloody.

Aquas p.o.v.

I was very proud of myself to seduce that boy Ben, and might just have to find him again sometime. 

 As  I swam through the water a thought struck me and I decided to shift,(For the first time in ten years!) 

I walked on the sand in a makeshift dress made of assorted sea things, it was a little tight and exposed my curves and half cleavage. But it's not like anyone else is here, just me......as usual.

I started walking across the beach with sand stuck in between my bare toes. I looked over to see a flash, something or someone was moving really fast. The 'Thing' stopped and came over to the island to rest, I hid behind a palm tree. 

I peeked around the tree only to see he  wasn't  there , but behind my back.

I stood up feeling short, he was a good five six inches on me. "Why were you hiding from me?" 

I crossed my arms "I don't know you, for all I know you could be an ex convict, rapist, murderer." I backed up against the tree. 

"Look don't hide, I'm not all that stuff you said ,if anything that would probably be my best friend Camo."

I took a step towards him and put a finger on his chest.  "You don't control me and it might be a relief  that your not a criminal,but may I ask ...What exactly are you?" 

He smile ,and took my hand from his chest    "Well you see I'm a shape shifter,and what are you?  I pulled my hand out slowly and put it on his forearm 

 "I'm a mermaid."  I said casually

He seemed amused and looked me up and down. "That must be why your wearing that." he gestured to my revealing outfit.

He was staring innocently.  So I took a step forward and kissed his cheek "I'd stop staring before you give me any ideas Mr. Shapeshifter" 

He laughed, and I noticed the sun was going down,I had to go and fast I hated the night with a passion. " I have to go what's your name?"

He stepped closer "Speedy"

 I fake blushed. "Look I have to do something strange, but you're probably  not going to like it."

 "Could you untie my dress?"

 He seemed taken aback "Wait...... what?"

I smiled "You heard me. " 

He hesitated but then reached down to untie my dress. I shook off my top and then bottoms. He was blushing very deeply. 

"Bye" In one swift motion I jumped in the air and my tail took my human legs away. I lifted up from the water and flicked my hair back dramatically.  

 "Wait!" He shouted.

 I turned around "Yes?" 

He smirked "What's your name?"

 I laughed "My name is Aqua, and if you want to see me again I live in this reef ,alone." I said the last part sadly,because truth was I am very lonely.

 "You could come back with me, there's a waterfall with other mermaids" 

I wasn't so sure but , I mean how bad could it really be? 

"Okay....I guess."

Scarlet's p.o.v

I ran fast faster than I ever had trying to get to her, Hope the woman whose fiance cheated on her . I found her kneeling over a picture frame of her family,she was silently crying. I knew how she felt.

 My entire family was taken from me and if it wasn't for Chloe I would have killed myself by now.

I left a note beside her saying what he had done, and I vaguely remembered her name from earlier "Delaney." 

I added that too then I left.Maybe  she would understand and believe what I had written. I could only hope........................

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