Crumbling down

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Ok so everyone I was having a slight problem with my cowriter and well she tells me to not change her story..........Oh well hehehe I can't stop now and I have so many great ideas to be tied to both her and my endings.So Faith3344 be patient with me ok I need to be creative alright.So if you want me to stop I sooo will *she says sarcastically*. Soo that's it thanks for reading and if you could click that little vote button,and heck why not even comment.
ps I am not much of a romantic soo yeah but it's mostly going to be Scarlet's point of view for a while.
Scarlet's p.o.v

I walked happily with a new stride in my step, today I was dressed in a pale green cashmere sweater with black leggings and a pair of ankle boots. I was still deciding if I should pursue Jason or leave the subject alone.  

Chloe was out in a field riding her horse Sunshine,so I decided to go grow some plants.

I walked back to the greenhouse when I was startled by a knock
"Probably Jason"   I thought and swung open the door.

 Jason greeted me with a charmingly smile "Hey Scarlet ,what are you up to today?"

I smiled "Nothing really Jason except tending to my plants." I demonstrated by growing a few white and red roses in the shape of a heart with an arrow. 

"Ironic..." he muttered I made a confused face 

"What do you mean? " 

He stepped closer and put an arm around my shoulder "Look Scarlet I need to tell you something ,or well I guess more like ask you something." he flushed to a pale color.

  I arched an eyebrow. "What is it Jason?"

 He was silent for a few seconds before looking up and blurting,"How does the full moon affect your kind?"

I nodded in realization "well I did research and it shows that I desire male contact and most likely don't remember a thing." he nodded "that explains a lot" he grimaced "so does that mean you don't remember anything about the last full moon." I shook my head,and in reply he looked hurt. "so you dont remember anything about what happened,nothing "

I raised my eyebrow "No Jason not a speck,its not even foggy I just can't remember anything at all." Come to think of it we woke up naked next to each other the next morning and apparently when he was so full of himself,he caused "amnesia"."Oh god no no no,we did not have -" he cut me off "yeah we kinda did ,more like we did and sad thing is you don't remember a single detail" I laughed sadly then brightened "Care to elaborate a little" he smiled and then took his hands from his sides and moved to my waist."well first I touched you like this" he felt my hips gently and torturing he kissed my neck softly then rough.God I was gonna have such a hickey. He moaned softly and I kissed him in return.I noticed he was getting a bit to well you know. "Jason ,we can't do this now,not here and not yet.I want it to be more memorable than in a greenhouse,not an especially romantic place huh Casanova" He laughed in agreement "your right ,but Scarlet I need to tell you something else"

I looked in his eyes and saw longing and lust but weirdest of all love.

"yes Jason" he ran his hand over my neck and I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he was looking at a almost healed scar. Two fang shaped marks were deeply embedded in my skin,I hadn't noticed till now. "What is that" I said my voice shaking. He scratched the back of his neck,then started to explain."That's another part,I was so caught up in the moment you let me drink from you" he looked embarrassed. I laughed "Oh is that all,why would you be upset about it" he looked at me lovingly "A vampire marks whoever they declare their true love or something like that,I didn't think it was true until now" I was taken aback

"y-you love me?" my words were choked

He smiled sadly "of course I do I mean how could I not,I just don't deserve your love" I walked closer and held him close "don't say that Jason,I love you too but things need to be slower than this." He nodded solemnly "your right but I will always feel this way,and hope you can feel the same one day"

I smiled "well now that we got that out of the way ,what do you want to do now" he walked closer if possible."I don't know scarlet okay I don't know what to do ,when I'm around you you make me feel things I can't explain" With that he kissed me tenderly."mhmmh" I tried to say I feel the same but that's what came out. "what was that Scarlet" I tried to talk again but he kept kissing me. I pushed him away and grabbed him shoulders "I was trying to say I feel the same way,it just took some time for me to realize.I mean I've never been the best at relationships " he looked at me hard and soft at the same time."you know what me either,but I guess that makes us well I don't know but I guess we'll find out."
Bloody's pov

I was finally reunited with my sister and I was so happy,happier than I had been in .....what ages.I was waiting for her to get home while Beauty was chatting it up with the other mer folk.When I felt a weird tug and then smelled something delicious,something so good I can't even describe it.Was it mate.I had heard stories about finding your mate and obviously it was amazing.You were emotionally and physically attracted to them and loved them till the end of well life.Once you found your mate a tantalizing aroma would appear and you would have to follow it.I always heard stories but never thought it was possible.

"how could you think that Bloody" said my wolf Tooth

"well I don't know and I've waited this long so lets go Tooth."

I shifted and took off running to the smell it was getting stronger and more mouthwatering. I ran till my legs felt like they were going to break and then I saw him. He was around 6'5 with jet black hair and deep blue eyes(that I would get lost into so many times) he was the definition of sexy in my opinion and the smell wasn't helping my urge to run up and make him mine.He was talking to a girl who was a few inches shorter than him,which was really tall for a girl.I instantly felt the need to rip her head off.I ran up and tackled her growling maniacally.She screamed as I was threatening her to submit.He looked genuinely shocked.Then he pulled me off of her and ,looked at my face."who are you,and why did you attack my sister,even though that was hilarious" That was his FLUFFING SISTER!!! Oh my god I am in deep now but he said it was hilarious or did I not here him right.No I think I did but I was so overwhelmed with the urge to lick his face (yes as weird as it sounds)
Chloe's pov

I was riding my horse Sunshine peaceful until I felt a strong impact on my shoulder, when I looked my shoulder was blossoming with blood.Not the best feeling.I dismounted her and smacked her side to get her to run away. I scanned the area ready to fight(and yes I had a bullet in my shoulder but adrenaline,man the things it can do)I looked around only to see the wolf I had set free ,Thunder.

He ran at me ready to attack.I teleported away and struck him in the back(with my claws that I can grow on command) I latched them into him and sent a hawk flock to finish him off(or until he begged for mercy)
ooooohhhhhh my looks like the action is coming now and a little romance.But like I said not as crazy and random,I needed to get it back on track.Also an bittersweet notion,my lack of internet means longer chapters but less updating sooo.
Well thats it and it is 10:39 at night but wont be by the time I update.
Also I decided to have a chapter question that people(you guys) can comment on so knock yourselves out.

Question: Where do you think Scarlet's and Jason's relationship is going and What do you think about Chloe's new bad a$$ personality.
ok not so much bad @$$ but still took some guts and don't judge me about the werewolves mate perspective.I am new to this so please don't kill my vibes.



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