It's over (pt.2/2)

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The pickup truck, which had been much closer than originally thought, went over along with the van. The guys in the back jumped out fast, all smelling of booze and cigarettes.

Stuart fumbled out of his door and threw himself out, but his foot caught and pulled him a short distance more before releasing him. The truck went down with the van, and Stuart hung from a loose tree root on the side of the mountain with terror in his eyes, feet dangling a thousand miles above the rocky base.

"Dad!" A now fully grown Kenny cried out. Karen fought away from Stan's grip and joined her brother in their desperate attempts to reach their father.

Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Craig all gathered behind them, watching as the siblings reached for Stuart. The dirty blond man looked up at his children with apologetic eyes. "Kenny?" He said, as if surprised by his son's presence.

"We'll get you up dad!" He promised, his voice breaking pitafully. "You'll be home soon!"

Cartman crawled toward them. "Let me. My arms are longer," he said. Both Karen and Kenny reluctantly made way for him. Stuart and Cartman came face to face. Cartman's eyes narrowed as his hand easily locked around Stuart's wrist.

"Please," Stuart begged, "please pull me up so I can take my boy home."

"Mm," Cartman hummed conciderably, before his lips turned into an evil smile. "Yeah and I'm sure you'll change your whole act too, right?" He scoffed. "People like you don't change. I should know." He pulled him closer. "Tell Satan that Kenny and Eric said hi."

The next few events seemed to happen in slow motion. Cartman released his hand, and Stuart was lost. He didn't scream though. He didn't make a sound. Nobody did for a solid few seconds, before Karen suddenly exploded into tears, falling into her brother's grasp. Kenny continued to stare with dinner plate eyes. Craig scooted closer to him, hoping to comfort him in some way.

"Kenny, I'm sorry—"

"It's over."

That seemed to catch everyone off guard. Including Karen. He suddenly shot up and threw his hands into the air, the stream of light barely peeking over the horizon highlighting his golden locks. "It's over!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, laughing like a mad man.

"Oh," Kyle said awkwardly, before leaning over and whispering something to Stan. Stan sighed and made his way over to the blond. He then whispered something into his ear. Kenny stopped and looked down at his exposed bottom half, before rolling his eyes.

"Right. Craig, gimme your pants."


* * *

Craig glared at the snowy floor, his legs shivering. He was left in his underwear, as Kenny had claimed his blue snow pants. However, upon seeing Kenny dance around gleefully like an idiot, he began to lighten up.

"So now that everything's settled," Kyle said, looking around at the group before directing his attention to Kenny. "Am I the only one confused over what this guy's getting all excited about?"

"He won't die anymore," Karen explained. Kenny grabbed Craig's arm and nuzzled into his shoulder.

"Yeah. No more extreme freak accidents or random illnesses. I'll get to live the rest of my life out normally."

"Hold on," Stan said, gesturing with both hands for the conversation to halt for a second, "so because your dad died, you can't be reborn anymore?"

"Yup," Kenny confirmed.

"What's the science behind that?"

"I don't know dude. It was a curse or something, I don't have the answers. I met up with one of the cultists a year or two ago and told me that once one of my birth parents die I can't be reborn. Something about no more living sex cells or something?"

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