One time thing

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     Cartman agreed not to tell anybody, and left Craig's house, as Craig wished for him to do. He didn't like having Cartman in his home, especially when he wasn't there. Craig finished his dinner, and while nobody was paying attention, he made another plate of food and went to his room.

   "Hey dude," Kenny greeted from within the closet. The door stood wide open, and Kenny sat leaning against the wall with Craig's laptop in front of him. Craig caught a glimpse of some guy's bare ass on the screen.

   "Jesus Christ, do you do anything else other than watch that shit?" Craig asked, handing the plate of food to Kenny. Kenny Shut the laptop, grabbed the plate, and began digging in.

   "I watch nascar."

   "Of course you do. You're poor and stupid."

   "Don't be a bitch, Craig. What's wrong with you? You've been in a bad mood since you got home."

   Craig collapsed onto his bed, and folded his arms behind his head to make a comfortable headrest. "Well maybe I just don't like knowing that the town sociopath can creep in and out of my house as he pleases. And now that you're here, he probably has more of a reason to do just that."

   That was partially untrue. Of course he didn't like Cartman sneaking into his house, but what really seemed to get to him was the fact that Kenny was no longer a secret to him. He didn't like the idea of anyone knowing Kenny was here with him. He preferred being the only one...

   Kenny walked out of the closet, and smirked at Craig. "Are you sure you aren't just jealous?" He asked, still holding his plate. Craig scoffed.

   "Jealous of what? Fatass?" He asked. Kenny sat the plate down on Craig's desk.

   "Yeah. You don't like him being able to come visit me whenever he wants. You wanna have me all to yourself?"

   Kenny sat on the bed next to Craig, and crossed his legs. Craig rolled his eyes. "Trust me, Kenny. I'm definitely not jealous."

   "You know you're a bad liar," Kenny said. "Your face is getting red."

   "Shit." Craig covered his mouth and cheeks with his sleeve, but Kenny pulled it away by his wrist. He came dangerously close to Craig's face, and Craig went completely still. He could feel Kenny's breath on his face.

   "If it makes you feel any better, I've never watched porn in a closet with Cartman," he said.

   "I didn't—" Craig was cut off by Kenny kissing him, pushing him back onto the bed as he did so. Craig was frozen, unable to move, or react. Kenny pulled away after a couple seconds. His smirk was gone, and replaced with a look of concern.

   "You okay?" He asked. He must have realized the tension built in Craig's muscles. Craig was silent for a moment, his dark blue eyes wide from what had just happened.

   Kenny tried to sit up, but was suddenly pulled into another kiss. Craig grabbed the collar of his black t shirt, and held him in place. Kenny didn't mind, however. His hands snaked around Craig's waist, as he climbed on top and straddled him.

   "Kenny," Craig whispered his name when the kiss was broken. Kenny kissed his way down Craig's face, and began sucking and nibbling at the side of his neck. Craig could feel his heart racing. The door was unlocked, and his family was still awake. At any moment in time, someone could walk through that door.

   Kenny sat up, and stared down at Craig. They were both slightly out of breath, staring at each other with shocked expressions, like they had just regained control of their own bodies.

   "I knew you wanted me," Kenny then teased, a smile forming on his face. Craig rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile back.

   "I don't want you, I just think you're a good kisser," he said. Kenny smirked, and leaned back down.

   "Sure, Craig." He kissed his lips again. "So what is this? A one time thing? Friends with benefits? Make out buddies? What?"

   Craig let out a small gasp when Kenny Returned his lips to his skin. "Uh, I don't know. W-what do you think it should be?"

   Kenny was barely listening by this point. He was too busy kissing Craig's jawline. "I don't know," he smirked into his kiss. "But if this is a one time thing, I wanna make the most of it."

   He reached down, and pulled up Craig's shirt. Craig flinched at the cold air his stomach and chest were suddenly exposed to. Kenny pressed his lips to his bare skin, and began kissing up and down his stomach, occasionally licking up Craig's faint abs.

   "I... I don't think it'll be a one time thing," Craig breathed out. His chest rose and fell quickly. Kenny smiled.

   "Good. That's what I was hoping for."


     I think I need to be honest... I've never posted anything with physical romance before, and I feel kind of awkward sharing this with people, but I did it anyway. Here you go.

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