What was left behind

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Craig got his lunch, and entered the noisy high school cafeteria. He began making his way over to his usual table with Clyde, Tweek, and the others. However, couldn't help but stop when overhearing Kyle's words to Stan.

"Have they found anything yet?"

His chest began to feel heavy. Though Kenny had yet to make his reasons clear for leaving them like this, Craig couldn't help but judge him for it. How could he just leave without any explanation? He sighed, and took a seat next to Cartman, across from Stan and Kyle.

All three of the boys looked up at him. "Uh, Hey Craig," Kyle said politely, though his confusion as to why Craig had suddenly joined them was evident in the tone of his voice. Craig waved.

"Hey... so did you guys hear anymore news about Kenny?" He asked, trying to seem as genuinely concerned as possible. Though, it was was hard to act scared for someone when you know they're safe.

Cartman gave Craig a weird, suspicious look. "Why do you care? I thought you hated us," he growled. Craig didn't respond. Since Peru, he did seem to avoid the four boys more often, only really interacting with them when there was a bigger crowd. It was understandable as to why Cartman would think that, because it was true. For the past six years, he hated them.

"Cartman, back off," Stan defended their new table companion. "He's just worried like the rest of us."

"They found Kenny's car broken down on the side of the road yesterday near the hospital," Kyle informed him. "But Kenny and Karen weren't anywhere near it."

Craig cringed at the thought of Kenny trudging five miles through the freezing cold with that heavy duffle bag on his side. It was a miracle that he managed to go all that way without being spotted. It did snow pretty hard on the following morning, so it would make sense that his tracks weren't traceable.

"So what do they think happened?" Craig asked, tilting his head to one side in curiosity while still faking his concerned look.

"They think he's here somewhere," Stan answered this time. "They came to all our houses to check if he was hiding out with one of us."

"Really?" Craig was taken back by this. Kenny better have felt thankful for what he was doing for him, because if Craig made him walk another couple miles to one of his friends' houses, he surely would have been caught by now.

* * *

Kenny laid in his closet, searching through the internet history on Craig's laptop. He didn't have anything better to do, since he was stuck in the bedroom all day. Of course, he knew that Craig probably would have preferred if he spent his time coming up with a plan on what he was going to do when the week was up, and he was kicked out.

In all honesty, Kenny didn't have a backup plan. The original plan was to hide with Kevin until he got a fake ID, a new license plate, and a job to get some cash in his pocket, before driving Karen across the country. He knew he should have gotten his lousy excuse for a car checked out before hitting the road. He was just grateful Karen wasn't with him when the engine gave out on him.

According to his history, Craig's only interests were what guinea pig food brand was the healthiest, Star Trek, and research for past school projects. Kenny was amazed. He didn't think Craig could get anymore boring than he already was.

For God's sake, the guy had never even watched a porno until last night! What kind of teenager was he?

Kenny bolted into an upright position when he heard Craig's bedroom door creak open. His breath hitched, and he waited, listening carefully. He could hear a pair of feet walking along the carpet floor outside of the closet, completely oblivious to his presence.

Carefully, he sat the laptop on the ground beside him, and pressed the side of his face to the floor to peer under the crack of the door. There were, in fact, a pair of feet in Craig's bedroom. They stood in front of his dresser. A rustling sound could be heard. Kenny's eyebrows furrowed.

Why was this person going through Craig's things?

Kenny tried to think logically about this. It could have easily been Craig's Mom, putting laundry away or something. That might have been the only possibility, because Tricia was at school, and Craig's Dad was at work. Kenny couldn't recall if his Mom worked or not.

He then looked closer at the figure. Their shoes were black, and they wore brown corduroy pants. Their calves were wider than the average person's...

"Holy shit," Kenny mouthed to himself, his blue eyes going wide. He knew exactly who was going through Craig's things. But why? Why was he even here in the first place? Kenny glanced at the clock in the corner of the laptop screen. It was around seventh or eighth period. Lunch would have ended an hour or two ago.

Kenny considered opening the closet door. This was his best friend, after all. Cartman surly would have understood, right?

He didn't get much time to think about it, as the closet door swung open before he had a chance to hide. Kenny threw himself back against the wall of the closet, and looked up in horror. Cartman's eyes widened, and his jaw practically hit the floor.

"I... I-I can explain..."

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