We meet again

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     Kevin lived in apartment 406 on the fourth story. Kenny, who had spent the past few days laying around eating from the secret stash of processed cakes and chips under Craig's bed, nearly passed out after the third flight of stairs. "I... I don't remember this bastard living on the millionth floor," he said through heavy pants.

   Tricia raced up the steps without any issue, the biggest smile plastered on her face for all the world to see. Craig was making his way up slowly, his eyes glued on the iPhone in his hands as he arranged a room in a nearby hotel.

   When the climb was over, Kenny collected himself, straightened up, and banged his fist on the door. "Hey asswipe! I'm here! Open up!" The three of them waited for a few seconds. Kenny glared at the door, and beat on it harder. "I know you're in there fucker!" He yelled.

   "Wait, didn't you say he lived in 406?"

   "Yeah, this is..." Kenny froze, realizing that he was one door off. 407. The door opened to reveal a little old woman in a pink tracksuit, her hair white and curly and her lips red and wrinkled. She appeared sweet at first, but upon seeing Kenny, she immediately glared at him with nothing but pure hatred.

   "Oh, it's you."

   "Grandma Stotch. We meet again," Kenny said, smirking. "I thought you lived in Virginia."

   "I'm visiting family."

   "Butters didn't mention you."

   "Hey dipshit!" Yelled the masculine figure from the apartment across from them. Kevin looked at his little brother scaldingly, and pointed into his apartment. "Get in here. I told you to stop harassing my neighbors."

   Kenny shot one last glare at Grandma Stotch, before trudging into his brother's apartment. The Tucker siblings followed behind him, mostly confused by what they had just witnessed, but unwilling to question it, as it didn't seem too important.

   "Sherrie and Karen aren't here yet," Kevin explained, "you guys make yourselves at home."

   Craig took a seat on the couch, and his sister sat close by him, acting rather skittish. He arched an eyebrow at her. "Something wrong?"

   "Just nervous, I guess."

   Craig was about to ask her why, when his name was called from the kitchen. "Craig, I need help!"

   He rolled his eyes and stood up, making his way over to the small kitchen at the end of the room. Kenny waved, smiled awkwardly, and then pointed to the top shelf like a child. "Kevin put the fruit snacks all the way up there because he's a dick. Can you climb on the counter and get them down for me?"

   "Why can't you?" Craig asked skeptically, folding his arms. Kenny looked up at the fruit snacks longingly.

   "Because I'm scared. What if I fell and broke my neck?" He looked at Craig expectantly. Craig just sighed, and hoisted himself onto the counter.

   "Hey! Get down, I put those up there for a reason," Kevin said, pulling Craig off of the counter, and shutting the cabinet door. He then smacked Kenny in the head. "I told you to lay off the fruit snacks. Those are mine."

   "Buzzkill," Kenny pouted.

   "Kev! I'm here!" Sherrie chirped in that almost obnoxious high pitched tone. Kenny gasped and immediately raced into the living room. Kevin and Craig followed him to greet Sherrie and Karen.

   Tricia cried a little when she saw Karen, but eventually dried it up enough to actually enjoy her reunion with her best friend. As the night went on, Sherrie and Kevin conversed about the situation. Karen and Tricia moved from activity to activity, but for the most part Tricia just told Karen about the latest drama she missed out on.

   It was a nice little get together, but eventually Craig got bored. He was only here for Tricia and Kenny, but he himself had no real purpose for being here. "I gotta piss," he said, halfly just as an excuse to get out of the room for a while. He slipped through the hallway, and entered the bathroom.

   "Trying to sneak away?"

   "What the fu—" Craig jumped, not expecting Kenny to be so close behind him. He glared at the blond, but then shook his head and sighed it off. "No, I told you. I had to piss."

   "You're not having fun," Kenny stated flatly.

   Craig shrugged. "This isn't about me. You go be with your family."

   Kenny couldn't help but scoff. "They'll be fine without me. Tricia and Karen are having fun together, and I don't have anything to say to Kevin until he gets those fruit snacks down for me."

   "You're such a baby," Craig laughed. Kenny smirked, and pulled Craig in.

   "Well you're an asshole," he said in response, before kissing his lips tenderly. Craig melted into his touch, and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in tighter. Kenny suddenly grabbed his shirt, and pulled him back out of the bathroom, and into the single bedroom.

   A queen size bed rested against the wall. Craig's cheeks heated up at the sight of it, but he was too caught up in this to stop it. Kenny shut the door behind him, and pulled him into the bed. Craig straddled Kenny and pinned him down on the mattress, kissing him deeply as his hips rocked almost involuntarily.

   Kenny suddenly turned his head to break the kiss, leading Craig to resort to suckling and biting on his neck.

   "You topping first?" Kenny asked huskily, biting his bottom lip and arching his back.

   Craig nuzzled into his neck. "We're not banging in your Brother's bed."

   "Aw, why not?" Kenny whined. "Come on, We're already here. It'll just be a quickie."

   "No dude, that's weird." Craig rolled off of him, and brushed himself off. "Besides, I really do need to pee."

   "Weak," Kenny said grumpily, sliding off the bed lazily and trudging out of the room. He then proceeded to slap Craig's ass, and when Craig turned to glare at him. He smirked. "We've got a hotel, right?"

   "Maybe I should rephrase," Craig said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't want to bang you at all."

   "Right..." Kenny's eyes drifted down to Craig's groin temporarily. Craig shoved him away.

   "Stop it. You got me riled up."

   "Mm. Okay." The blond began to walk away, before peering over his shoulder one last time. "Well, you have fun peeing with that."

   "Fuck you."

   "Yes please."

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