Car ride

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"Hey Moooom?" Tricia asked in the most sickeningly sweet voice she could muster. Laura was currently washing the dishes, but still turned her head to look at her skeptically. Tricia shuffled her feet a little to express nervousness. Or what she would call "the right type of nervous." Something that Craig couldn't do. "Craig wanted to know if we could go to a festival this weekend? His friends really want him to go, and he's already packed for it."

   "How long will it last?" Laura questioned.

   "Just a weekend. We leave today, come back tomorrow."

   That wasn't the original plan. Tricia has made up the part about staying the night on the spot.

   "We already have a hotel and everything. It's all paid for."

   Laura must have been the most lenient parent in the world to allow this. It was truly one of her best traits. The second after she said yes, Craig appeared in her vision. She saw him through the doorway, struggling to drag his biggest suitcase out the door. Laura's brow furrowed.

   "Craig honey, are you sure you need all of that?"

   "Y-yeah," he panted out, sweat beading up on his forehead. "It's... I-it's festival stuff."

   "Riiiight," Laura accepted, still a little confused. Then again, she was sure she didn't want to know what he was actually hiding in that suitcase.

   Tricia grabbed her backpack, and skipped out into the driveway. Craig struggled to get his bag into the back seat, and then took his place in the front. Tricia joined him, and then they were off.

   When Tricia thought they were far enough, she crawled into the back and unzipped the suitcase. Kenny bursted out, gasping for air like he had just been submerged underwater for the past five minutes. "You mother fuckers!" He exclaimed, rubbing his aching neck. "I hate both of you, I shouldn't have agreed to this. Craig, did you just throw me down the stairs? Because I swear to god, I'll—"

   "What's your brother's phone number?" Tricia asked Kenny, silencing his rant with the fact that neither of them were really listening to him. Kenny glared at her, then turned his gaze to the window and rattled off the numbers in a hateful tone.

   There were four rings, before he picked up. "Hello?"

   "Hi, this is Tricia Tucker," she started, "is Karen McCormick there?"


   She and Craig exchanged glances, before she looked back at Kenny. He rolled his eyes, and snatched the phone away from her. "Kevin, it's me. Where's Karen?"

   "Kenny!?" There was a thud and a shuffle on Kevin's end, before he spoke again. "Who was that? Are you with somebody?"

   "The Tuckers. I've been staying with them for a while," he explained. "We're coming over for a day. Just to see Karen."

   "Dude, Karen's at my girlfriend's house." They were all silent for a moment, leading for Kevin to continue. "Sherrie said she could stay there. That's why I couldn't have you stay with me. You're nearly eighteen, and Sherrie can't have a grown man staying in her house... well, that and I don't trust you."

   Kenny was about to object, but then shrugged, and nodded in acceptance. He wouldn't have trusted himself either.

   Kevin went on: "The cops have been through my apartment nearly four times. They keep coming back."

   "This'll be fast then... or can we meet at your girlfriend's instead?"

   "She's kinda busy... I can get her to drop Karen off on her way to work."

   "Okay, let's do that."

   The brothers settled on the arrangement. Meanwhile, Tricia shifted uncomfortably in the front seat. Craig glanced at her from the corner of his eye questioningly, before finally asking: "what's wrong?"

   "I told Mom we were staying until tomorrow."

   Kenny had hung up the phone by this time. His eyes shot up to hers, completely caught off guard. She sank into her seat. "I told her it was a weekend thing. I didn't think it would be that big a deal if we stayed at Kevin's, but..." she looked back at Kenny apologetically. "I'm sorry."

   Kenny offered her his best attempt at a reassuring smile, but she could still see through it. He was scared. "It's okay, we'll figure something out," he said. "Sherrie will probably let you crash at hers with Karen. And we'll..." Kenny looked at Craig. "Stay in the car? I guess?"

   "Goddamnit," Craig muttered, hoping that wouldn't be his solution. They pulled into Tweek bros, and Craig ran in alone. Fortunately, Tweek was working that day. He raced to the counter, and gave Tweek his most serious darkened expression, causing the spazzy blond to hop back in shock. "C-Craig?"

   "Do you have money that I can borrow? Like, three hundred bucks?"

   "Three hundred dollars!? For what!?"

   Craig put a finger to his lips to quiet his companion. "Because I need a hotel room. I promise I'll pay you back."

   Tweek thought about it for a moment. Craig was good at getting money back on time, but it was a lot of money, and it all seemed so sudden... but, he did eventually give in and retreat to the back for his earned cash.

   "I want it back by Monday."


   Craig left the coffee shop, pleased with himself. There was no way in hell he was sleeping in that dingy ass car.

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