old building

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You ask me what love is
to me love is like an old house
It takes a process to build it
Years of it existing leaves dents
The paint start to come off,
floors get weaker,
Then ceiling starts to fall off,

You feel it needs a renovation
Then you paint over the old paint hoping it will cover it up ,but the old paint job still remain

You change the ceiling but the woods get weak
You get new interiors and the old ones are kept aside ,but still you know it's an old building you can't get rid of because in the end it belongs to you

Sometimes people sell it because they have own it so long ,they get tired, but-
Love is trying to fix the problems,
It is introducing new things, sometimes old building gets sold off because there isn't enough money to renovate it or we are just too tired of the same old building,

Remember dents are memories created together
To me I could only describe love in what I think is perfect
Old buildings, that are fixed not abandoned.

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