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One Week Later

Cheryl's Pov

It has been a week since that whole ordeal.

I have been distant from Toni ever since that day. It was the last time we have kissed, cuddled, or even had more than a 4-word conversation.

Toni asked Alyssa for a paternity test, which she denied at first, but we got a lawyer involved so there was no other choice.

We wanted to be able to get all of this out of the way before the child's birthday in the case that it was Toni's she would be there for the party.

The kids have obviously been aware of the change in attitude between Toni and I. I feel bad about that, so I went over to Veronica's with them for a playdate while Toni was at so that they don't worry about anything.

"Yeah V, and I know I'm probably being irrational but I'm hurt. There is no guide on how to act in a situation like this." I said to Veronica as we sat on her couch talking.

"Well Cher I honestly don't think that this should be a reason for your marriage to end. This incident happened years ago when you guys were not together, and I get that she lied, but does that lie outweigh the good in your lives?" Ronnie asked and I thought about it.

"No. I love Toni, she is the love of my life no doubt, and I said that to her out of anger. Of course I will support and help her care for this child if it is hers but I can't help but to think that a girl she had sex with and made a baby with will be in our lives for a long time." I stated with a sigh.

"And I completely understand that Cher, but do you really think Toni is going to let that bitch come between you two or disrespect you? You have to remember that she and Toni, allegedly, made one kid while you and Toni created four of them. Don't let that Allison girl ruin that." Veronica said and I chuckled a little as she said the wrong name on purpose.

"Yeah you have a valid point V. I need to go talk to Toni." I said with a huff. "Go now. My mom and Reggie is here we can watch the kids while y'all go talk, and maybe fuck, it out." She said with a wink and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah we'll see about that one." I laughed.

I said my goodbyes to the kids and everyone and made my way home.

10 Minutes Later

"Toni!" I yelled when I came home. I heard her rushing down the stairs. She approached me with a worried look on her face which was very cute.

"What's wrong? Where are the kids? Are they okay? Are you okay?" She asked and I laughed.

"Toni." I said again with a smile. "Yeah?" She said with a small smile forming on her face. "Shut up." I said and pulled her into a kiss.

Toni pulled me in closer by my waist and deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as the kiss continued. It felt like all of our problems had washed away and we were the only people in the world.

Once we pulled away from the kiss we smiled lovingly at each other and Toni held onto my waist tighter, but she was careful not to squish my stomach.

"Toni I am so sorry. Nothing in this world could ever make me not love you. I was angry and hurt by the situation when I said that I didn't know if I was going to stay with you. But we are a team and we are going to do this together baby." I said and saw Toni's eyes start to water.

"I love so much that I can't even put it into words Cher. I understood where you were coming from. I should've been honest with you from the beginning and I am mad at myself for not doing that. Thank you for staying by my side in this my love." Toni said and I reached up and wiped the tears off of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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