Chapter 19

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I was on the tour bus with all the guys and their girlfriends. But Sofia and Trisha are meeting us tomorrow in Arizona. Its going to be a surprise for Sofia!!! I can't wait to see the look on her face!
We were only a few hours away from Arizona when I got a call from Trisha. She was sobbing into the phone. "Bailey, you guys have to come back! Sofia wa-was hit by a car and she-she-she's in the hospital....they don't think she's gonna make it." She said sobbing even louder. A tear came down my face and Sam looked at me. He saw I was crying. He quickly came next to me me as i hung up the phone. As I hung up I was in such shock. Sam put his arm around me and said "Bailey what's wrong?" And I didn't want to say it but I had to "Sofia's been I an accident" JC looked up at me with wide eyes. "What kind of accident??" JC yelled. I stayed quiet and he yelled louder "WHAT KIND OF ACCIDENT!??" I didn't want to tell him everything but I just might. "She was hit by a car this morning while walking home from Trisha's" I said sobbing into Sam's shoulder and he sat back down and began to cry.

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