Chapter 18

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I heard a car break outside my house and looked out the window. I saw Sofia laying on the ground. There was a puddle of blood and her head had a huge gash in it. I begin to cry. As I ran out side and called JC. Then I forgot that JC was going on tour today. He would now be in Utah. I ran outside to see Sofia on the floor and a puddle of blood. A middle aged women came out of the car and called the police. Tow little kids came out and screamed when they saw Sofia on the floor. I was next to her and I couldn't believe this happened!! We were going to have the boys meet us in Arizona in 2 days!!! Minutes later the ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital. Sofia's parents weren't getting n calls...... So I called her grandparents. They came running in looking for here. When I asked them where her parents were they told me that Sofia's parents were on their way home yesterday when they got into a car accident an they died.. They were on their way over here to tell her. She has no one left.
Where am I. I saw Trisha on the floor next to me crying i called her "Trisha Trisha! Can't you hear me!? I'm right here!" She didn't even look up! They rushed me to the hospital. What happened?? When I got there they rushed me to surgery. I went in and the nurse said to my ear "Sweetie weather you live or you die thats up to you but.....every ounce of strength... You'll have to pull through." It too hours. I went out. No one could see me. When I walked out I heard the nurse talk to my grandparents.... Wait where are my parents??? They told my grandparent I was in a coma and I might not make it. All my family and friends came to see me ..... But my grandpa and Trisha stayed.
I was sitting on the stage of where I would be performing tomorrow for a spot at a music school in New York. I haven't told any of my friends yet. I can't believe this is happening. JC will be supper mad though he wants me to stay on YouTube but singing is my passion. My grandpa came up behind me "you know it's your happiness before anyone else!" And I couldn't help but smile.
I was starting to remember what happened. I was on my way home to see if I got my letter to see if I got into music school. Then a women was texting and driving and hit me outside of Trisha's house. What's going to happen to me?? But over all where is JC??

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